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These parties go way beyond Tupperware - adult sex toys for men

by:KISSTOY     2019-09-05
These parties go way beyond Tupperware  -  adult sex toys for men
Imagine: a group of female friends rest around the living room and drink wine while eating snacks.
At the center of the circle, a woman gives a speech on her merchandise, shares some knowledge, and hopes that some women will choose to buy her products.
I 've just described a typical "party plan", a marketing technique that combines social events with direct product sales.
Party planning is nothing new.
Tupperware, pampered chefs and Mary Kay have been here for decades.
What makes this different is that the consultant is not selling the egg cutter or lipstick.
Instead, she is sharing the buzz of the latest vibrators, lubricants and other bedroom accessories.
This is a creative, blushing-
Free way to bring these products to women who may scream or be shy.
But did the attendees not just walk away with a bag of sex toys?
Sex toy parties have been around since 1970, although they didn't really start to pop until after 80 and 90.
These days
Parties have become mainstream and most of the women I know have attended at least once and often at single parties.
It is estimated that the country has thousands of consultants working for Pure Romance, passionate parties, intimate expressions or one of many other franchises.
As with other plans, the consultant will do a product presentation and the presenter will usually receive an item or a discount.
But this could be the end of the similarities between the sex toy party and the Tupperware party.
Sex toy parties go beyond simple commercialism and can teach women about their sexuality, according to Patti Brison, the founder of Pure Romance.
"We're not selling a product --
"What we care about is the education behind us," she said . ".
"Our mission is to provide a very safe environment for women to understand and discuss sex and sexuality.
The bottom line is that people don't use their products if they don't know how to use them or are intimidated. In fact, the party-
Typically, viewers may rely on consultants to expand their knowledge of sex: Debby Herbenick, a researcher at the Center for Sexual Health Promotion at Indiana University, and others, conducted a 2009 study finding that, sex toy party consultants are often asked to provide accurate sex counseling and may even have health education.
Similar research published by the same author in the November 2009 issue of sexual health suggests that such gatherings can allow women to learn more about specific topics, including increased desire/awakening, orgasm, erection and ejaculation, dryness and lubrication of the vagina. “Female in-
"Home sex toy party hosts have the potential to provide access to information, products and communication for women in different groups," they wrote . ".
While plans for the other side may include testing recipes or showing makeup, sex toy parties tend to have a bigger goal.
Passion Parties, for example, are aimed primarily at women in couples;
Their mission is to develop a "passionate one-wife system ".
"The surprise party is designed to help women meet their needs.
Pure Romance focuses on women's empowerment.
"Sex toy parties should be platforms for women who want to be responsible for their sex," says Brisben . ".
"We are where women begin to better understand their needs, needs and desires.
When you understand what makes you feel good and why, you can know what to ask.
"Whether you're easily embarrassed or completely comfortable talking about your sex life, sex toy parties are a great opportunity to chat with your girlfriend, learn new things and get a little bit more --or a lot -
More in line with your sexual orientation. Who knows -
You may even leave with some new food.
The most important thing is to have a good time.
Isn't this all about the party?
Great article, nice review.
Suggestion-do your research before booking a toy party or joining an adult toy party program.
If you are working on becoming a representative, please ask a few questions.
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