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These Vaginal Health Mistakes Might Increase Your Risk of Infection - good sex toys

by:KISSTOY     2020-12-17
These Vaginal Health Mistakes Might Increase Your Risk of Infection  -  good sex toys
Your lady part is great: they clean it themselves and they can pass on ideas
Their ability to maintain is generally low.
But sometimes they throw a curve ball or two.
Your living habits have the ability to break the balance of the vagina and lead to infections, strange secretions and general discomfort (
Obviously not the most interesting. )The good news?
Small lifestyle adjustments can play a big role in preventing problems.
Here are seven super common ways to avoid vaginal health mistakes.
Thank you, madam.
Error #1: sleep in the wrong material wearing the wrong underwear material?
This can lead to vaginal infection due to excessive growth of bacteria.
"Try to go to the commandos while sleeping at night.
This can make your vulva and vaginal area breathe and is especially helpful for women who are often infected with yeast or bacteria, "said Dr.
Mary Rother, MD.
GYN and assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology, Medical Center, Columbia University.
If you prefer to wear underwear, she suggests you buy cotton or bamboo as they help to dry the water.
Read more: UTI reason: final Guide (
So you don't have to Google anymore)
Error 2: It's too long to wear sweaty gym clothes. Hard, sweaty workouts will make you refreshed and great for your health --
However, you will want to change the sticky sports clothes as soon as possible.
"In addition to the annoying smell, wearing a sweat coat can cause irritation or bruises, rashes, hair growing inward, itching, and even yeast and bacterial infections," Roser said . ".
In order to protect herself, she suggested wearing materials that are not too tight and can suck away the sweat.
Synthetic materials such as nylon and Leica are a good choice.
If you are already in trouble wearing a sports dress with sweat stream sweaty back, don't worry!
For bacterial vaginal diseases (
Symptoms of Per Rosser) include mild gray secretions, itching, irritation, and suspicious odors
Go get the prescription.
According to Roser,the-
Counter creams like Monistat can treat vaginal yeast infections (cottage-
Discharge and itching of cheese).
Error 3: Because your vagina is your own
Clean, no need to use homemade or shop-bought douches.
"There are good protective bacteria that can keep it clean and prevent troublesome bacteria," Roser said . ".
However, if you introduce your vagina to unfamiliar substances, these substances may destroy the pH value, which may lead to vaginal infection, such as bacterial vaginal disease or vaginal yeast infection.
According to a study by the American Journal of Epidemiology, participants with bacterial vaginal disease are more likely to rinse, which explains the correlation between this habit and vaginal infection.
"Washing, cleaning with body wash or scented soap removes these good bacteria, thereby disrupting the natural balance and potentially increasing the risk of infection.
"If needed, it is better to wash with only warm water and very mild, tasteless soap," she explains . ".
Error 4: not accepting probiotics can maintain the balance of vaginal microorganisms and avoid unwanted vaginal infections, UTIs and discomfort.
"Lactic acid bacteria (
A friendly bacteria)
Live in vulvo-
Vaginal area and maintain vaginal ecosystem stability at acidic pH.
Anything that changes this pH will cause troublesome bacteria to take over protective substances (good)
"Bacteria," explains Roser.
There are a lot on the market, but for women, the best probiotics for vaginal health will contain high levels of lactic acid bacteria, she said.
According to a 2008 study on a multi-disciplinary perspective on infectious diseases, probiotics can help prevent the growth of bacteria associated with vaginal infections, such as bacterial vaginal diseases and yeast, and therefore, regular administration of vaginal probiotics reduces the risk of contracting these diseases.
Error 5: not responsible for sex no one encourages you to give up sex (
Good for your health and fun! )
But it is important to note that both with new partners, unfamiliar products and rough sex increase the risk of vaginal infection.
"Rough sex can cause microtear in the vagina or anus," the doctor said . "
Jennifer Landa, MD, OB-
Chief medical officer of GYN and BodyLogicMD.
These tears can disrupt the vagina, causing vaginal yeast infections, bacterial vaginal infections, and transmission of sexually transmitted infections and blood-borne pathogens, such as HIV, hepatitis C and hepatitis B, she explained.
To reduce risk, use a condom with a new partner and pee after having sex (
This can also reduce the possibility of infection with UTI. )
Read in detail: After 9-
Sexual Hygiene habits you should never ignore 6: If you use a toy without cleaning the toy, then the bacteria that pile up will throw away the natural flora of your vagina.
Therefore, Landa suggests that sex toys should be cleaned before switching between the vagina and the anus after each use.
"The subtle balance of bacteria in feces is different from bacteria in the vagina, and you want to wash the toys before switching from one toy to another," she explains . ".
She said that when sharing toys with others, you should also clean toys, because sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia and herpes can be transmitted by using toys with each other.
"Contact with bacterial balance in someone else's vagina can be bad for your microbial balance.
"If a woman's vaginal yeast is infected with BV, another partner is more likely to be infected with BV," she explained . ".
In addition, a study by the British Medical Journal found that women with HPV and using sex toys are more likely to pass it on to others who share the toys.
Read more: 13 things that should never be close to your coochmiake #7: Unfortunately this happens a lot --
It's not good for your vagina health either.
"First of all, shaving or waxing can lead to Burdock inflammation, a kind of follicle inflammation that is usually caused by bacteria or fungi.
"This can lead to ugly bumps, getting red, annoyed and uncomfortable," Landa said . ".
This is not the worst part.
Cutting yourself while shaving can give you a risk of sexually transmitted infections, she says, the most worrying of which is HIV, but there are also hepatitis B or C.
"All these sexually transmitted infections are transmitted through blood.
"Open incision increases the risk of transmission of these blood-borne diseases," she explained . ".
If you do shave and shave, don't before the wound is healed or make sure to use a condom . .
Be extra careful about the type of clothes you wear to avoid vaginal infections, such as bacterial vaginal diseases or vaginal yeast infections, as bacteria have more opportunities to disrupt the pH of your vagina.
Error 8: eat too much sugar!
Your taste buds may like that chocolate cake, but your vagina certainly doesn't.
"Sugar increases yeast infection because yeast grows on sugar, so eating candy and even carbohydrates increases your risk," Landa said . ".
Note: This also includes fruit, so when you should still eat one or two servings a day, you may want to remember the amount of food in your body.
Options like oranges, cherries and grapes are examples of what should be consumed moderately, while consumption of avocado, raspberries and strawberries is much lower --sugar options.
"The fruit is rich in sugar and the yeast will be more than happy to eat," she said . ".
When you eat sugar, you provide food for bad bacteria infected with vaginal yeast.
"The yeast in the Rosary infection comes from your gut, and when the yeast is able to eat sugar, it will thrive in the gut," explains Landa . ".
"In addition, fermented food fermented with yeast increases the risk of yeast infection.
You want to avoid beer yeast and bread yeast (i. e. bread and beer! )," she says.
Controlling your vaginal health can be an empowering process, and these lifestyle adjustments are the beginning of a fast and low commitment.
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