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Tories toyed with possibility of banning sex aids - top anal sex toys

by:KISSTOY     2019-11-29
Tories toyed with possibility of banning sex aids  -  top anal sex toys
Mrs. Thatcher considered using the counter
Pornography laws prohibit stricter rules in public etiquette.
The documents kept by the National Archives also show that she sympathizes with activists who oppose obscenity, including Mary Whitehouse, who she has seen at least twice.
In a note to the prime minister, interior minister Leon Brittan said there were "strong reasons" to restrict sexual aids from obscene laws.
"Some of the items in circulation are the most objectionable, including some that may cause physical harm," he wrote in September 1986 . ".
"There is a good reason to fully incorporate sexual AIDS into the 1959 [fall and corruption] test
Obscene PublicationsAct.
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