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Toxic culture disempowers - anal sex kit

by:KISSTOY     2020-04-09
Toxic culture disempowers  -  anal sex kit
The progress made in the advancement of women is indeed worthy of recognition.
But we must also acknowledge the tragic fact that the women's equality movement appears to have failed in many ways.
We allow the development of a culture that is harmful to young women.
Young women are not seen as complete people, but as equal and respectful people.
Sexy information that turns them into sex objects.
Liberation already means that a girl has the ability to wrap her legs around a pole and make her breasts flash --gone-
Wild Style, performing oral sex for boys at weekend parties (daisychaining)
Or hang out near Hilton Paris.
Women are sold a false power that destroys their true self.
Sexual liberalism did not promote the freedom of women, but eroded and destroyed the freedom of women.
Girls live in a culture of sexual torture.
We see more harassment, tracking and rape, more alcohol
Sexual abuse and the use of dating rape drugs were encouraged.
On cruises, in toilets in suburban shopping malls, in Aboriginal communities, porn everywhere, and even sexually transmitted diseases in baby girls.
Diane brible lay naked on the cruise ship and died after being told the date
Rape drug Fantasy
A coroner investigating her death called her a person of interest: she smelled ugly.
She's a black man, a dog that ruined his holiday ".
A group of 12-year-old people in Melbourne sexually humiliated a mentally retarded girl and sold the DVD to their friends for $5 per pop.
They urinated on her, threw her clothes into the river and forced her to give them oral sex, but it was just a little fun.
Encourage little girls to create sexy characters. Bras for eight-year-
Breakfast for three peopleyear-olds, G-strings for 10-year-
Young people with slogans like blink of an eye and eye sugar, T-
The shirt says, "you're in my-
"To-do list" and "hot down ".
And then the Peekaboo-
Dance suit for six peopleyear-olds.
It comes with a sexy garter and a DVD showing suggestive dance moves.
The kit promises to release the sexual cat inside.
Soon you will show it off to the world and make a fortune with Peekaboo "dance dollar.
Even in female magazines for 5 to 13-year-old readers, sex is beautified.
Girls are exposed to music videos of sexual brutality that show that the highest goal of a woman's life is to receive anal sex from multiple men.
Fortunately, some people are shouting.
In last October, the Australian Institute released a report entitled "corporate pedophile: Sexting children through advertising and marketing.
The American Psychological Association has just published sex for girls, which concludes that a whole generation of young women are mentally harmed by a culture that has prematurely sex them.
The result is anxiety, low self. image, self-
Injuries, eating disorders, depression and decreased academic performance.
Preliminary studies from the Australian Women's Forum supported these findings.
The report "pretend: female image in young women's magazine" will be released on July.
Why don't we worry as much about creating an environment that destroys the physical and mental health of girls as we worry about greenhouse gases?
On International Women's Day, it is time to empower girls to resist and counter a culture that tells them that they are nothing more than the sum of the sexual parts.
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