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Travel Guide to Akihabara Tokyo, Japan - ladies sex toys

by:KISSTOY     2019-10-23
Travel Guide to Akihabara Tokyo, Japan  -  ladies sex toys
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Akihabara is the first time from the perspective of tourists, known as Akihabara's otaku paradise is not only a paradise for geeks and otaku men, but also a paradise for Tokyo's subculture.
Although the most distinctive feature of the place is electronics and gaming stores, there is a lot to offer in addition to shopping for electronics.
Tokyo is one of the most expensive cities in the world and has the best deals in Akihabara.
I was excited to see what the center of Tokyo's pop culture looks like, and I got to Akihabara by train through the Yamanote Line and JR Line.
Credit: Athena Goodlet 12/2012 travelers in Akihabara should not miss a shop given the limited time-
Autumn leaves jade belt. This nine-
Multi-storey buildings packed with electronics, appliances, toys, cameras, games, model kits and other gadgets may make the first
Time visitors like me.
Each layer is dedicated to specific product categories to prevent shoppers from getting lost in awe and distraction.
The store opens at 9: 30. m.
Night 10:00 closed. m.
Credit Goodlight 12/2012 Akihabara is known as an electric town for good reason.
Looking around you will find the whole place packed with shops and buildings selling electronics and gaming equipment.
In the evening, the town is worth seeing.
All the flashing lights and billboards are vibrant and each one is trying to get your attention.
In addition to geek stuff, Credit Goodlight 12/2012 also offers other forms of entertainment in Akihabara.
There are several adult stores, on several floors, offering the widest range of adult sex toys, sexy costumes and other appliances related to adult entertainment.
In a shop called Mandarake, a full floor is specially prepared for pornography and hentai.
Of course, other floors also offer electronics, toys and common products of Japanese pop culture.
I guess this is a town that caters to all kinds of entertainment and they are proud of it.
The students dispersed and I walked along the street with my fire
Arouse the curiosity of tourists
Attractive beautiful lady (
Sometimes a little bit of action)
Maid costume bravely sends out flyers in cold weather, inviting guests to visit their maid cafe, where beautiful girls in maid costume indulge, entertain and serve guests.
This form of entertainment is unique to Tokyo and an important part of Akihabara culture.
Credit: Enthusiasts, anime lovers and comic book lovers of Athena Goodlet 12/2012 model kit must prepare wallets when visiting Akihabara, not because items are expensive, but because of many low
Price of goods (
Including rare items
They will find things that may not be available elsewhere.
As a curious observer, I came here to see what Akihabara has provided for ordinary tourists.
There is so much to absorb that the place cannot be visited in a day and cannot appreciate the town and its unique subculture.
The town changed me in a pleasant and distorted way.
Will I return to Akihabara in the future? I will definitely!
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