Valentines Day! What not to buy! - ladies sex toys
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If you still want her to talk to you the next day, what gift can't be bought for your love!
Lovers around the world are celebrating Valentine's Day.
Traditionally a man buys a gift for his lover, but some men are very wrong!
Some men spend a lot of money on gifts,xa0Often inappropriate
Many ladies will also buy gifts, but will usually be a little more picky, except for the teenage girls who seem to think more!
These guidelines can help you avoid expensive emotional mistakes. 1.
Chocolate or candy.
Be very careful here!
Many women like chocolate, but there are just as many people in terms of eating or looking at the figure & may not like your gift.
Also, look at the type of chocolate or candy she likes, dark chocolate is not popular among young women.
However, if she's choc-o-
Holic, come on! 2. Underwear.
Double check her size!
Check her taste too!
The red and sexy underwear looks good on the shelves but will be placed behind the drawer at home.
Replace it with classic lace pastel, cream or coffee tones & she will appreciate your gift morexa0Wear it often. 3. Fluffy toys.
Toys are OK for people under the age of 20, but most adult women don't like them.
Also check the size.
The room size teddy bear will only take up space and collect dust. 4.
Power tools or labor-saving equipment.
Your love will not appreciate the gift of an iron or any other suggested work.
This day is about your love for her, not the housework. 5.
Sex toys or pornography
Valentine's Day is about love, not sex.
These may be your fantasies, but be very careful here & first check how grateful your love can receive such a gift. 6.
The gift is too expensive.
This is mainly for old couples.
Many couples are struggling to pay a mortgage or rent & overspending will certainly not impress your love but will have a bit of imagination. 7.
Negative body reference.
This includes gym membership, weight loss programs, fitness equipment, cosmetic surgery, cooking classes & people you love can get angry no matter how good you think it is!
Suggestions for gifts.
These gifts will not only impress your love, but she will be more grateful for the gift you gave her because of your thoughtfulness.
Gifts don't have to be expensive to show how much you love her!
The flowers are great but don't have to be roses!
Take the time to pick wild flowers or collect them from the garden and tell your loved one that it's worth it & more personal to take the time to pick them.
Make dinner at home but clean up your own mess!
Take the time to pack up a picnic, go to a cafe to watch a movie and dinner, orxa0Book a weekend from the kids.
Do the housework so she has more time with you.
Book a couple massage or do it at home!
Most people like 1 feet or pass their shoulders.
Buy a bottle of wine that you can enjoy and have time to drink.
The most important thing is to use your imagination.
The most important thing is to spend time together!
Happy Valentine's Day! Teddy's too big!
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