- vibrating ring sex toy

Erin Clement Released: 17: 59 on August 4, 2014, EDT | update: 18: 01 on August 4, 2014, if you have the urge to go out with a vibrator, a new gadget has been designed for this.
The Vesper of Crave is a small stainless steel vibrator that can be used as a pendant.
This necklace is made of silver rose gold-
Gold plated and 24 k gold
Plated variety, starting at $49.
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The necklace in shape has a low, medium, and high vibration mode with a USB rechargeable, described as "whisper quiet ".
"As a necklace, it has smooth and minimal lines that, depending on your mood and clothing, make this product both a subtle fashion statement and a statement, ti Chang, a designer who founded the company with entrepreneur Michael Topolovac, said.
Crave is currently accepting pre-
Product orders, information below 60 characters can be engraved free of charge.
The company launched its first vibrator, Duet, which raised $2012 out of 100,000 crowdfunding. Duet is also charged via USB as a thumb drive.
Crave raised $2 in 2013.
Get £ 4 million in luxury toys by funding website AngelList.
Last year, Chang MS told Fortune magazine that when she saw a woman wearing a vibrator as a necklace in New York, she came up with the idea of "foreplay jewelry.
"It's not a nut like a rabbit, it's super smooth, stainless steel, probably 4 inch long and smaller in diameter than a dime," she said . ".
She added: "She is an elegant woman.
She has a good back, and I totally admire her for being so indifferent.
I think it would be great if one day our culture could achieve that in terms of women sex.