Vibrator use good for sexual health: Study - Times of India - vibrator
A new US voice says it is common to use vibrators in sexual contact
Based on the investigation, the behavior that occurred under the cover and after the car was closed was revealed.
Two Indiana University studies conducted in a national representative sample of adult men and women in the United States showed that 40-
5% of men said they use vibrators, and most heterosexual men use them in foreplay or sexual intercourse with female partners.
About 17% of men say they masturbate with a vibrator.
The use of vibrators is not only common, but two studies also show that the use of vibrators is related to more active sexual function and more proactive care for their sexual health.
The studies were led by researchers at the Center for Sexual Health Promotion at iu School of Health, Sports and recreation.
Women were surveyed in a study.
Other men surveyed
Both articles were published this week by the leading peer, the Journal of Sexual Medicine.
Journal of reviews in the field of urology and sexual health.
"Research on the use of female vibrators confirms what many doctors and therapists have known for decades ---
"The use of vibrators is common and it is related to positive sexual functions, such as the relief of desire and orgasm, and is rarely related to any side effects," said Vibrator by Herbenick, deputy director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion.
Michael Reese, director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion, said these studies are important for their contribution to understanding the sexual behavior and sexual health of adults in today's society.
"Research on the use of male vibrators is also important because it shows that the use of vibrators is also common in men, which has not been recorded before," Reece said . ".
"In addition, both studies have helped us to learn more about the way American consumers are turning to the market to buy products that promote sexual health, which has an important impact on the economy, experts added.
The study involved 2,056 women under the age of 18 and 1,047 men
60, is by the Church and Dwight Co. , Ltd. Inc.
Trojan brand health care products manufacturers.
More than half of women (52. 5 percent)
In the past month, I have used a vibrator, and one out of every four vibrators uses a vibrator, and the use of this eccentric device is positively correlated with several aspects of sexual function.
Desire, awakening, lubrication, orgasm, pain and overall function)
As recent vibrator users score higher in most areas of sexual function, this suggests that sexual function is more positive.