Vibrators for Obama! - crazy sex toys

Among the many things that Americans should celebrate today-
The power of our democracy, the opportunity to change the spiral upward trajectory of our country, the new leadership ---
Here is one that may have slipped away from your radar: Babeland is giving away sex toys for free to those who vote.
Yes: Free! Sex! Toys!
That can only mean one thing: I have to go there.
Babeland is a great Seattle for those who don't know yet-
Based on the sex Store (formerly known as Babeland's toy), designed to be femalefriendly.
This means a lot of pink vibrators that look like jelly candy, and a lot of lack of giant black leather Anal vibrators.
All in all, this is the girl because I am the "girl" (all in all) and this is my favorite sex store in the world and this is one of the only places I can pick up anal beads, I don't feel the urge to wash my hands with alkali.
I live less than two blocks from Babeland, Brooklyn, and I got there today at 1: 30, except for a friendly salesman and an elderly couple about 60, the shop is empty, ask double dididos.
"You want your free vibrator," asked the woman named Mary Hove.
She handed me a neatly packed gift bag with a silver bullet vibrator inside.
"How many of these have you distributed today," I asked . ".
Mary checked her click on the cashier-"46," she said.
Tuesday was good.
They opened the door at noon.
"There is too much anxiety about this election," said Babeland P . "R.
When I called her, the manager Pamela Dorn.
"It's a fun and friendly way to celebrate and it has a clever twist.
"In case you haven't guessed, this twist has to do with the sex toys that are being distributed by the two parties (ahem): There are maverick people for men (yes, that's the real name of the product!
), A rubber blue penis sleeve designed for yourself
Please and describe on the website like this: "The soft and comfortable elastic sleeve is almost suitable for anyone, while the inner rod is lined on every inch of the cock.
(Retail price: $20.
) There is a silver bullet, a wire for womenand-battery-
I 've never had a particularly crazy operation vibrator, but some women swear.
(Retail price: $13.
All you have to do is you vote and you get it.
They will give you a rain check if they run away.
Doan says the reaction is overwhelming about how wealth can be spread.
Soho store opened at 11: 00. m.
50 sex toys in an hour.
"It's like the party that's going on there right now," she said . ".
Doan's inbox is filled with requests from other states (Babeland is only located in New York and Seattle ).
"People sent me photos of their vote and asked if they could get free sex toys as well.
"Who can blame people who like sex toys!
By the way, as a sign of change, Babeland hasn't been hit by anything yet --
Feedback or complaints about giveaways, but along with other chain stores, received generous national media to distribute free stuff like Starbucks and Krispy Kreme.
Back in the store, Bang Jovi's "I'll die" is playing in the speakers, just like a woman walks, picks up her free vibrator and leaves.
As she passed, she asked, waving the gift bag, "How's it going ? ".