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We've tried 6 women's health gadgets, so you don't have to - plug in vibrator

by:KISSTOY     2020-01-30
We\'ve tried 6 women\'s health gadgets, so you don\'t have to  -  plug in vibrator
Fitness should be easier than ever.
After all, there are countless gadgets and apps dedicated to helping women.
Everything is covered from our fertility to our posture and blood pressure.
The only question?
With so many rude gadgets, it's hard to know where to start.
That's why Radhika Sanghani and Sarah Rainey tested the latest women's health techniques to see how much your time is worth.
They found this. . .
Radhika using the perperiod app Fitness Truth: Do we really need core training?
Don't pity Becky Adlington anymore!
She might just be happy with what to eat now: gluten-
Celebrity trainer stock expert for Italymet Tinie temapa: Android and iOS Price: free review: I never really recorded my menstruation before using this app.
Now I don't know why.
To my surprise, I really missed it.
The thread allows you to track every day of the menstrual cycle and you can record how you feel on any given day.
There are options for your flow, such as "light" or "heavy", but there are also "Ice Claws" or "headaches" for your pain level ".
Filling in all this data means that the app will predict the time of your next phase and tell you what it will look like.
You can set a reminder to let you know when your PMS-
The week is coming, even a good time to check your breasts.
If you want a child, it will also calculate your fertility window and tell you when to ovulate.
I never felt more coordinated with my body.
Rating: 9/10-very useful to track your body and very easy to use.
Sarah tried the bracelet retailer: netatmo.
Price: £ 60-
69 Comment: While it looks more like a piece of jewelry than a healthy gadget, the glittering rock actually contains hundreds of micro UV sensors designed to monitor the wearer's exposure
Connect to your smartphone via Bluetooth (
There is a non-USB option
Smartphone users)
It provides data through a stylish app that can be downloaded quickly and free of charge.
The app offers real-time UV index, weather forecast and your schedule for the day in the sun.
So every time you apply sunscreen, you record it and, in theory, it tells you when to apply more, put on a hat, or take out the sunglasses.
It comes in a variety of colors-gold, platinum or bronze-and even a rubber strap for sports.
I don't have any problems with the settings;
I answered some questions about my skin color (
From 1-Marilyn Manson Parry-to 5-Paul Hollywood Redwood)
And supported the day in the sun.
Although it was fully charged and intended to last for a month, the warning of a low battery kept flashing and it lost its connection to my phone. The result? A lobster-
Red "tank" on one side of my arm and face ".
Probably more than a bracelet with my terrible sunshine consciousness.
I will be more sensible about SPF 30 in the future.
Rating: 7/10 -
It looks better than it does.
What Radica is doing is squatting in the world of thought.
TV price: millions.
99 comments: vibrapower is huge.
It weighs about twice as much as the average person, so it's hard to set it up.
But it's not a portable device.
The idea is that you put the vibration plate in a permanent place and use it as a place to exercise regularly for 20 minutes at a time.
These include doing various stretches and exercises at the top of the plate when the plate shakes.
It is said that it can adjust your body and help to lose weight and improve flexibility.
This is also to give you better blood flow and reduce stress.
I'm not sure I saw the benefits in a week, but I do enjoy using it.
As someone who doesn't exercise a lot, I was surprised to find that I really don't mind stretching on the vibration board for a while-especially if I can only do it for up to 20 minutes.
It takes a bit of time to get used to this feeling, but it's worth a try.
You can even sit down and exercise if you are really lazy.
Very suitable for beginners in fitness.
Rating: 7/10-a fun workout, but constant vibrations can irritate roommates.
Sarah and her fitness gadget retailer: John Lewis, Selfridges, or jawbone.
Price increase: 79. 99 -£104.
99 comment: in the month that Boris Johnson authorized the court to accommodate the overdrinkers with us --
The style of "alcohol bracelets" to monitor their alcohol intake is somewhat odd to volunteer to label themselves with a basically identical gadget.
UP has a variety of colors, sliding on it like a wristband, is a full
Circular fitness gadget that tracks wearer's physical activity, sleep, weight, food and mood (
My favorite, it works through the sliding scale on the yellow smiley face, switching between "pumping" and "complete).
To activate, just download the UP app, turn on Bluetooth and pair the phone with the bracelet.
In addition to food intake, there is also a day mode, sleep mode and everything being tracked wirelessly.
Although it is disturbing to be monitored 24/7, I like its optimistic goal and-little-too-
Push notifications on a regular basis, including "hunger rage = anger" and "Hot Sauce Makes You Happy ". Indeed it does.
One drawback is that it's all a bit American (
Especially dining options)
Some users may find
Patronizing style spells.
I found out they got me off the couch and went out and bought a lot of stuffneeded jog.
Rating: 9/10 -
I am a convert-it is comfortable, smart and effective.
Radhika stands in bed with her pose stock: sit-ups.
Price: 39.
99 comment: it will take a while to build this pose rack, but once I fiddled with the parts and put them together, I'm glad I bothered.
Like all the best gadgets, it solves the daily annoyance: What should your laptop be on when you're lying in bed.
The idea is that this stent can promote the arrangement of the spine and good posture, so it is very important for your health.
But its design also takes into account the technology and has clever cooling holes that prevent the computer from overheating.
For me, when I look at Netflix, it's perfect to put a laptop on it --
I know it won't disappear from the heat.
It also forced me to sit straight and not bend over at work (
Online shopping)on my iPad.
But it's frustrating to have to adjust many parts every time I want to change the angle.
I'm not sure this is a must.
Yes, but this is definitely for you if you are worried about your posture.
Rating: 6/10 but it is worth it for comfortable technical use.
Sarah checked her blood pressure inventory: No.
Price: 69.
95 comment: not the most fashionable (or discreet)
For gadgets, this huge display-a silver tube attached to a fluorescent green sleeve-is a bit scientific for me.
Think of the medicinal sandals and the Talking scales.
This is easy to use though: turn on the Bluetooth of your phone, activate monitorm to pair them up, and then download the "Health Mate" app.
If you don't have a smartphone, there is a USB charger to plug into your laptop.
This app has some funky features-you can check your pulse with your phone's camera and also keep track of your daily steps-but, once I measure my blood pressure, I find it hard to figure out exactly what these values mean. The colour-
Coded spots and weekly charts are too confusing for those who don't know the first thing about the shrinkage and Shu measurement.
I found it inconsistent-after a minute it insisted that I had "mild hypertension "(eek)
I'm normal next minute.
This can be useful if you are worried about your blood pressure (
You can email the results directly to your GP).
But it's a bit bulky for casual curious peoplethe-top.
As a Christmas present for Grandma, remember.
Rating: 5/10 -
Novel value but not handbagfriendly.
Have you tried excellent health technology?
Tell Radhika and Sarah on Twitter.
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