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We-Vibe, Vibrator For Couples, May Be Coming To Your Local Drugstore - vibrating condom ring

by:KISSTOY     2020-01-03
We-Vibe, Vibrator For Couples, May Be Coming To Your Local Drugstore  -  vibrating condom ring
From electric toothbrushes to razors, there is no shortage of rechargeable devices sold in pharmacies today.
Soon you can add the vibrator to the list.
The Canadian company behind us
Vibe, a novelty toy designed for couples, says talks are underway with major sex toys companies in the United States. S.
The chain store will sell the device for $139.
Danny osdaka, CEO of Ottawa Standard Innovation, said: "I don't understand why it won't be seen as the same health category as other premium Pharmacy Consumer electronics
Based on our company-Vibe.
"We are not trying to portray Victoria's Secret image," added Osadca . ".
Before joining Standard Innovation in 2010, he worked in the technology industry for 30 years.
The company first launched We-
First high-
End vibrator specially designed for two people in 2008.
Since then, driven by new sex toys, its sales have grown from start-ups to $40 million.
Currently available-
Toy shop and online, we-
Vibe is a flexible C-shaped clip.
A woman can wear it comfortably on her pubic bones while having sex, causing a little extra buzz in all the right places, this left enough of her partner's role as a missionary to have other activities.
So far, this product has pleased consumers.
"This toy, especially many sex toy shoppers, answers a question," said Anne Semans, director of Toy Marketing at Babeland, a seniorend sex-
Toy boutiques in New York and Seattle. The We-
Vibe is the best in the store-
Sales of equipment began in 2011.
"Many women are older and think penetration is enough, but they find they need a little help," added Semans . ".
Standard Innovation is now expanding into new international markets, such as Russia and South America, where the middle class is becoming more liberal about sex.
Osadca attributed the company's rapid success to its innovative design and to the popularity of 50 shades of gray.
Erotica's book has sold more than 5 million copies worldwide, not only improving the We-
But it also raised adults.
Toy industry as a whole.
Other factors --
Improvements in small motor technology, batteries and materials such as highSilicone grade-
Led to a sexual boom-
Osadca says the global toy industry is worth about $5 billion.
Mainstream brands like Troy have started selling and marketing disposable productstime use toys;
The price of the condom company's vibration ring is only We-Vibe.
Standard Innovation has a lot of competition with startups like Crave and Jimmy Jane, both of which have madeend sex toys.
But the key difference between us
The other thing is, it's not sexy at all. -
It may actually find one of the reasons for a location in other mediocre appliances on the pharmacy shelves.
Packaging, marketing, even the CEO himself-
Who would prefer to use the phrase "fuck"-
Sexy like a blender.
"People are starting to connect it to sexual health," said Osadca . ".
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