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Wellington porn conference to discuss sexual violence and gender inequality - anal sex supply

by:KISSTOY     2020-12-08
Wellington porn conference to discuss sexual violence and gender inequality  -  anal sex supply
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Inspired by the growth in pornographic consumption, graphic language violence and forced sex are undermining the first sexual experience of young women, an expert said.
Ejaculate on the face, deep
In the most popular videos, it is common to induce the twitch of silk and aggressive anal sex.
Porn researcher Maree Crabbe is concerned about the frequency of young people copying these behaviors.
The key issue of the popularity of pornography is the way it undermines gender equality and encourages violence and aggression.
Pornography is "setting us back" from greater equality, Crabbe said ".
She urged parents, teachers and guardians to teach young people to criticize all the media to counter the negative effects of pornography.
"This shows that women are sexual objects that exist for the pleasure of men.
We know that gender inequality is a major driver of violence against women.
"We need to inspire young people, and relationships and sex can be better," Crabbe said . ".
Crabbe, one of the international leaders in porn research, will post their ideas on August 3 at the porn Impact Forum in Wellington.
More than 60 boys and 60 girls watched porn, known as the world's largest sex educator.
Of the most popular pornography, 88 includes personal attacks.
Nikolai GAVI, a gender researcher at the University of Auckland, agrees with Crabbe that pornography is a major problem in undermining gender equality.
But porn is not the only problem, she said, and we also need to look at the broader context of gender culture.
Gavey wants to see better role models for young men who are not invested in problematic, controlled forms of men.
"It's wrong to watch porn without speaking [systemic]
Gender discrimination and gender inequality
"When it comes to being a man, we need to rethink what we mean and relax a little bit.
Let go of restrictive and restrictive ideas.
"Last year, 92 billion videos were viewed on Pornhub, the most popular porn site.
Pornography, mainly sold to heterosexual men, has been magnified by the rise of the Internet.
This is a worried Crabbe.
"Every man, woman and child on this planet is only 12 years old on average.
"There is still a long way to go from the magazine under the bed.
You can download a steady stream of pornography online.
It was never so accessible.
"Last year, New Zealand ranked fifth in the world in per capita pornography usage on pornographic websites.
Young people need to be encouraged to question the media around them and how people are represented, Crabbe said.
The problem is not the sexual act itself, but the sexual use of women who enjoy aggressive behaviour is routine and often without security --
Sexual practice or neglect to use lubrication for uncomfortable behavior, Crabbe said.
"But most women don't like it, and porn describes it as aggressive behavior that goes on without registration or lubrication.
"Researchers at the London School of Health and Tropical Medicine found that as anal sex normalized online, more and more women were forced to have painful anal sex.
Young men and women think the girl's anus will be painful, but stick to it anyway.
Limit their exposure.
Limited access to technology, especially private use.
Encourage critical thinking
Discuss basic information about power and relationships in all types of media.
This includes disability in gender, age, class, culture, advertising, movies and television.
Equip them with skills
Talk about the various situations they may face and how they will respond.
Inspire them
Helping young people see sex and relationships better than porn.
For more information, please visit.
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