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What Married Women Want More Than Sex - best anal sex toys

by:KISSTOY     2020-02-29
What Married Women Want More Than Sex  -  best anal sex toys
A new investigation into the 18-year-old wife
49 reveals the need for sex in marriage. Surprised?
On The Early Show, Liz Zac, editor of iVillage's pregnancy and parenting, and Ian Kner, therapist and author of Love in times of pain, discuss some of the results.
IVillage conducted a comprehensive survey of the sex life of two thousand American wives aged 18 to 49.
The most shocking finding is that 77% reported that their sex life was "a little very happy", but 63% would rather sleep, watch a movie or read a book than have sex.
Protesters in a shootout at the Virginia Beach in Connecticut interrupted Harrison's "Early Show," Kerner joked about the cooperation of the "Early Show"
Host Julie Chen: "First of all, I want to say that I am a dad and I have two children.
Many men also prefer to sleep or read books.
"But from a serious point of view, I think it's bad news," he continued.
You might say you're happy with your sex life, but in the end, if you're picking a book, TV, Facebook, digital network every night, anything distracting because of a close relationship with a partner, in the long run, your relationship may become vulnerable to things like infidelity.
So you have to put sex at the center of your relationship.
But Zach says it seems to be normal behavior.
"Who can't relate to this statistic, sometimes you and your partner, your biological rhythm is a bit off, and sometimes you 'd rather finish your book than read it.
Kerner replied: "I think it's normal, but it's also a bit lazy.
I think your sex life is a bit like going to the gym.
You have to go back to your daily life and it's a bit difficult at first, but once you do it, like trying, you'll love it.
You will want to keep going to the gym.
"The survey also published some news that is not all bad news for husbands: More than half of the women surveyed reported that they were married to" the best sex life of their lives ".
However, 62% of women say they fantasize about having sex with people other than their husbands.
But is that a bad thing?
"I really don't think the rest of the fantasy bed would be that bad," said Zach.
Another very interesting thing we found is that, although 77% of women are very satisfied with their sex life, almost 80% of women think their sex life is predictable to some extent, whether or not they continue to do so on the same night of the week, the same location, the same room of the house.
This predictability does not affect their happiness.
The fantasy is also good, Kerner said.
"I think fantasy is taboo for some reason," he said.
We have these taboos in our minds and imagination, and we will not show them in our lives.
I think there is a good balance in your own imagination and anything can be done.
"But should you tell your spouse about your fantasies?
Kerner said it depends on your relationship.
"The survey shows that couples love each other and feel satisfied.
If you have that kind of trust, you can say, 'Hey, I'm thinking about Brad Pitt, 'it all depends on the relationship.
"Well, if he says 'I am thinking about Julia Roberts,' then don't be angry . "
"You have to know your spouse," says Zach . "
You must know your spouse.
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