What the future of porn and sex technology means for women - sexy toys for women

Like every industry, advances in technology have changed the way people consume and enjoy things.
This is no different in terms of sex.
Top overlord status
Shelf magazines have long faded.
Now, because of the Internet, pornography is more accessible than ever before.
However, with the advent of virtual reality porn and sex robots, things will evolve further in the future, and some experts predict that it will one day become mainstream.
In terms of sex, advances in these technologies often seem to revolve around heterosexual men.
Despite the increase in homosexual, bisexual and transgender pornography and the increasing number of studies showing that more women consume pornography than ever before (
Pornhub's latest estimate is that 26 of their users are women).
Cindy Gallop, founder of sex is not porn, said one of the reasons is the technology world and the sex technology world, which are usually operated through male lenses.
So, any technology news about the development of the sex technology industry is usually aimed at men.
"The World of Technology Media is male --
"As the master of the technology world," she told The Independent . ".
"This means that the coverage of sexual Technology defaults to one side that is easier to talk about --
Hardware: TV, sex robot, virtual reality porn.
This is a lot of free MLNP (
No sex)operates on -
This software, the person involved is actually having sex.
"It means that all reporting, talking, awareness, promotion, and funding is done through a male perspective to keep us more and more away from our own virtual world --
By contrast, I'm on the side with the other female founders of sexual Technology, and it's all about making people in the real world more intimate.
"The key issue here is not 'women, 'but 'women '.
Sex technology in female lens is a sex technology that men will enjoy a lot.
"Modern Sexuality: therapist and author of the truth about sex and relationships Dr. Michael Aaron says women are excluded from these developments because when new technologies are introduced, it is first open to the main audience.
So VR porn may have initially been meant to cater to men as they are still the largest group of porn consumers.
"The problem at the moment is that when a new technology is introduced, it is usually both expensive and clumsy, so it is usually only available or available to the largest producers to meet the most mainstream needs, he told The Independent.
"Therefore, it may initially be possible to exclude or crowd out smaller producers who cater to smaller or more niche audiences.
I think with the maturity of this field and the popularity of VR technology, the market will stabilize and you will see more organic, real porn.
As the whole area turns to virtual reality, the same female producers and directors will create virtual reality porn.
Gallop said that women are currently at risk of being left behind in terms of sexual technology, unless female entrepreneurs in this area have access to capital and funding (
Gallop has been working tirelessly for banks and lenders to ask them to lose the "non-adult content" clause to help them fund sex rather than pornography)
Young white men are usually allowed into the business infrastructure.
"Give us both and we'll show you the $1 trillion industry," Gallop said . ".
Virtual reality porn is made for women, even if it is a minority.
Kelly from AliceX, a virtual reality adult webcam service company, said they are working hard to serve women and male members, and one day they want to launch a website specifically for women.
"Is there any better way to explore fantasy than from the perspective of home computer security?
It gives you privacy and anonymity, while virtual reality provides the opportunity for a physical experience in the experience.
It also provides a smallerthan-
"Single women can choose to have sex alone without the risk of casual sexual contact attraction," she told The Independent . ".
Magnus Sullivan, partner at AGamelink, said that women's virtual reality porn will face the same dilemma as the sex industry. “(
VR porn for women)
Not always created by women.
Virtual reality porn faces the same challenge as standard porn: It's very difficult to make great, hardcore porn content, and for a market (
Now in general)
It is possible to attach more importance to the context, and the authenticity and aesthetics of emotions are even more elusive.
Dr. Aaron said there is a clear difference between the public and those actually involved in the industry about adult entertainment.
So porn producers know how many women watch and enjoy porn, which also applies to virtual reality porn.
"The public may still have some ignorant or naive views on women's sexuality, but porn producers will follow the money.
I think the accessibility of women
"For porn, even just realizing that women may also like mainstream porn, it will help to change the public perception," he said . ".
What else can I do?
Almost all experts agree that more women are needed in the actual manufacturing, creation and implementation of these products.
"Thankfully, there are some amazing women working in the virtual reality porn industry right now, and I hope we work together and we will see a female audience that values the transformation of a female audience as much as a male audience," Kelly said: "It may also be seen that more women occupy the authoritative position of" behind the scenes "in the industry. ".
However, neither Gamelink nor AliceX believes that women are still ahead of sex toys.
"Men are still chasing women's sexual toys . . . . . . There is nothing better for a man than this.
"I 've never heard a woman say she wants to talk to her wand," Sullivan said . ".
When asked if the future of porn is focused on straight sex, male gaze Kelly said: "Haven't women enjoyed their 'battery-operated boyfriends for years?
Our vibrator just didn't show us the silicone body or pre-life size
The sound of the recording.
Is there a market for male sex robots?
I think most women are pragmatic enough to be satisfied only with the parts that penetrate the penis.
"However, regardless of whether they want to use them or not, how sex dolls affect real women remains a controversial issue, especially for those who are worried that sex dolls will replace humans.
Matt McMullen, CEO of RealDoll, recently told Mic that one of his main rivals for sex robots will be real women.
She was asked what she thought of the matter.
"Oh, for the sake of f *," she said . ".
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