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What we REALLY want in bed... but will never say: Tracey Cox reveals women's secret desires - from a trip to a strip club to more romps in PUBLIC - remote love egg

by:KISSTOY     2019-08-30
What we REALLY want in bed... but will never say: Tracey Cox reveals women\'s secret desires - from a trip to a strip club to more romps in PUBLIC  -  remote love egg
We are too shy to be judged and don't want our partners to feel that they are lacking in sex or just don't like to talk about sex very much: there are many reasons why women don't tell their partners loudly about what they really want to do.
Thankfully, there's research and people like me will talk for you!
For all, this is a window to see what your partner may be secretly craving.
(If you are a female, love the sound of it, share it with your partner, or leave a print under the pillow!
) Women secretly hope for men . . . . . . More men, we will definitely know more about sex and how men treat women in bed.
But somewhere in the process, a lot of men are nervous because of the fear of being considered a sex Neanderthals.
One reason why "Fifty Colors" became the most successful porn book in the history of publishing is that the protagonist Christian Gray is not worried that he is "strong" at all ".
Tied up, spanked, pulled hair, pushed to the bed or nailed to the wall-all of this is exciting for many women.
It is an impulse to know that you are so eager for us that you cannot control yourself.
We also want to know that you know it's fantasy and we certainly don't want this treatment in real life.
So, yes, you have to check if we can before you switch to take command mode ("can I hit you?
) But (please) be sure to ask (our answer may be "Yes, please! ”).
Game of Thrones-especially when we switch to characters we don't take on in real life (naturally the dominant person, let others take charge) -is an exciting way to keep the sex fun of one-wife.
It's not necessarily a whip and a paddle, it's not necessarily something of the terrible BDSM, just be responsible.
If you're nervous about knowing the difference between sexy aggressive and serious-not-
Read some female porn on aggressive (try some top porn reviews)notch turn-
Or look at some women --
Friendly Porn (Frolicme or Joy Bear ).
Took us to a strip club Men's Health magazine and recently surveyed 2700 people to find out what they wanted more in bed.
Gundam women say they are eager to go to a strip club with their partner.
Why attract?
This is what makes our bi-
On the odd side, there is no need to act on anything-although in a vulgar way strip clubs are undoubtedly sexy.
It's also a relatively safe way to indulge these threesome fantasies without letting another person lie in your bed.
It is taboo and exciting to watch performers from each other;
If you're running around
Dance club, you can go further or watch your partner run a lap --
Dance or run a circle. dance for two. Use a remote-
Controlled Toys
3% of people surveyed by Men's Health said they fantasize about their partner using the remote control
Control toys-like love eggs-
They say they want them to use it in public.
Give control to your partner by providing a remote control, who can manipulate your awakening somewhere every day-on the subway, bus, supermarket, in-laws for lunch.
They know you have been opened but no
People around you have clues.
It's risky and lively, and you may be found, which adds more to pornography.
Sharing a dirty secret can warm a warm love lifeinstantly.
Send a theme here for public sex?
It may not be full sex, but when we have a picnic, a lost hand is placed behind a taxi or under a skirt;
A fast second.
No, long oral sex.
One was by the pool, but we were on vacation . . . . . . Sex in public or semi-public
Openness means fear of discovery;
The idea that we might be monitored is appealing to all of us peeps.
This goes back to when we were in our teens and since you shouldn't be in the room alone, you have to get away with it in public.
It can be planned (as many turns as possible-
Like this) or spontaneously (kissing in the kitchen at a party that makes you want to disappear in the toilet or in the garden ).
This one has a warning: although we want to be afraid of being caught, we certainly don't want to be caught by anyone we know.
It's not sexy to have sex in the alley next to where we live, it's stupid.
BlindfoldedIt is a popular female fantasy-more than 60 women in reality want this to happen.
Lost sight, we do not know where we will be touched, nor what will happen next;
Removing eye contact also eliminates any embarrassment.
When blindfolded, women are more likely than ever to try weird sex.
Not only are we not so shy, but some women feel shameful to admit how much they want you to get into their dark side.
If you can't see our eyes, you can't see how interested we are in what you do.
For you, dirty women like dirty women more than you think-more than women in the 2000 women's study in the United States (18-
They say they want their partner to do more.
He told us about the dirty and rough things he wanted to do to us, which is still a taboo and that (of course) is why we like it!
But dirty conversations are like this: most women make it much more comfortable for their partners to do so than having to say dirty words.
Men tend to relax more easily (though the woman who holds it says it's very liberating ).
Go to slowerI to blame porn.
There are too many "hammering" (quick force) in the porn, which men think is normal.
It's ridiculous that a lot of men use porn as sex education because of your normal garden
All sorts of porn centers surround women who hate everything they do.
Most women do not achieve orgasm purely by penetration, but, even so, it is a very pleasant thing when the insertion speed is slow and even the rhythm is tight with pelvises.
Try grinding and rocking instead of using traditional
We may reach a high point of penetration!
When we talk about slow topics, it's good to be slow.
We want you to take our clothes off a little more slowly, spend more time on foreplay (with a surprise), have slower, longer kisses and slow, gentle touches.
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