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When kids fire guns: Our view - playing with sex toys

by:KISSTOY     2020-03-08
When kids fire guns: Our view  -  playing with sex toys
For about five weeks in the United States, children accidentally shot themselves or others.
Just last Saturday, on Baton Rouge, a 6-year-
He was playing with a gun when the old boy shotyear-old sister.
She survived,year-
The old Detroit girl who found her grandmother's gun under her pillow last week and shot her neck did not. Nor did the 3-year-
Old in Dallas, Georgia.
He found his father. 380-
On April 26, the caliber semi-automatic pistol shot himself in the chest.
He's one of at least seven young children.
On April, they got their guns in a little over a week and shot themselves or someone else.
Four of them committed suicide. One 2-year-
An old man in Milwaukee shot and killed his mother after he found a gun in the back seat of his car.
As an account points out, these children still cannot tie their own laces. But even a 1-year-
Old can shoot, this often happens, frustrating.
According to The Washington Post, toddlers have shot themselves or others at least 23 times this year.
A total of 11 people died.
Including all children under the age of 18, according to Gun safety data from Gun town, the number of unintentional shootings involving children has risen to 92 so far this year, and it has begun to retain its own statistics, because the existing federal data do not fully reflect the number of casualties caused by shootings involving children.
Last year, at least 278 accidental shootings of children under the age of 18 were found in each town.
This number is a national scandal in a country with as many guns as people and the highest gun murder rate in the world.
You will think that gun owners will understand that the children are very good at finding guns that are not fixed and unloaded, despite the charges year after year.
Maybe the gun buyer has to listen to the phone call from his father who's been heartbroken for 911 months-year-
The Old Man of Georgia, before the boy died, could hear him pleading for his son to "stay with me ".
But there is not much political will these days to require a large number of gun buyers or gun owners.
Laws that require guns to be locked conflict with gun owners in protest that they cannot use guns for home defense if they are safe.
Existing laws are also not enforced on a regular basis to punish those who seek and use guns for their children to kill people.
Punishing parents who have just lost their children or taking their parents away from any surviving siblings can feel cruel. What to do?
First of all, in the home of a child, use a gun to discredit carelessness (
Or families visited by children)
The way drunk driving goes from joking to socially unacceptable things.
Although many gun rights advocates hate the idea, doctors can help patients by asking regularly if they have guns and if they have them.
Before the child plays, it is better for the parents to ask the same questions of the other parents.
With the help of the public service announcement, more and more people are starting to do so, which shows children playing with sex toys they find at home (
Message: "They will play with it if they find it ").
Gun buyers should have the option to buy "smart guns" that fire only when the owner activates them, usually with fingerprints or electronic devices.
Advocates of gun rights are trying to prevent smart guns from being addressed, fearing that the technology will become mandatory.
Of course, there is no exact way to eliminate the stupidity of adults and put the gun where the children can find the gun for a long time.
But these strategies are helpful.
It's time to try.
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