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Where are all the sex toys for older adults? - vibrator adult sex toy

by:KISSTOY     2019-11-19
Where are all the sex toys for older adults?  -  vibrator adult sex toy
You don't see sex toys on billboards every day, and more rarely, you'll see a person in his 70 s with a personality toy in his hand.
But thanks to the Netflix sitcom "Grace and Frankie" starring Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda, this is exactly what people saw when they premiered in the third quarter last year.
The series, centered on two friends who face many challenges in trying to make vibrators for the elderly, reveals an interesting reality
Life question: where are the sex toys of the elderly?
Last season, unlikely roommates as they conceptualize, prototype and focus --
Press "ménage à Moi.
This is one for and-
Perhaps more importantly
Sold to older women, especially those who have difficulty using traditional models because of arthritis.
Their fictional work has a soft grip gel sleeve that is light in weight and can be easily repositioned and even has the function of glowingin-the-
Dark control button. Sounds ideal —
Except that there is no such thing in the real world.
Grace and Frankie have no doubt about it (
Return to the fourth quarter of Netflix in January. 19)
In the unknown sex
Positive areas.
While sex toys appear briefly on other popular TV shows, the main series of storylines surrounding sex toys are on another level.
Sex toys are the brains of post-menopausal women who openly talk about their experiences in developing and using sex toys?
This is very subversive.
The advanced nature of missing an opportunity is often used as a laughing stock for the ages --
Even in some of the most "progressive" shows.
For example, in the most recent season of the vast city, an old woman named Garol shopped for a funny big dildo.
But, in addition to jokes, representation of the elderly has been lacking in sexual scenes.
It's almost enough to make you think that older people have lost interest in sex, which is a simply incorrect generalization.
A 2017 survey conducted by sex toy company TENGA showed that the average baby masturbated three times during the boom. 3 times a week (compared to 6.
There are 3 millennials and 4.
6 times for X generationers. )
A 2010 study conducted by the American Association of retirees found that 28% of older people have sex at least once a week, of which 85% of men and 61% of women think sex is important for their overall quality of life.
"In our society and culture, we see a lot of very young people showing sex.
But sex will certainly not stop, "said Lisa Lauris, a psychologist and owner of a boutique sex toy business and an online resource center.
"We have customers in their 80 s and even in their 90 s.
But they often don't know where to start, she notes.
This is why people who advocate less age and sex
Positive Culture says they are hopeful about elegance and Frankie can be a key moment in making older sex a more mainstream topic.
Image: netflixEmily Ferry, a prop master for Grace and Frankie, searched the web and bricksand-
The mortar shop looks for inspiration for the menage à Moi vibrator that will eventually appear on the show.
"I didn't find anything aimed at older women," Ferrie said . " She estimates that as part of their research, her team charged 40 vibrators to the production studio.
"There are some projects [would make]
It is said that "this is good for older women", but nothing is made with older women.
Ferry says many of the women she spoke to with her peers have expressed interest in buying a real
Life version of the product.
"I want one of them, how do I get one of them? ” they ask her.
It's easy to understand why Ferry's peers are hard to get along with: there aren't many sex toys that really target older users.
So far, this is what demographics have been forced to navigate for themselves.
Veteran sex editor Joan Price held a webinar for seniors on sex toys, and it's easy to imagine that she was equally good at both of her early careers: A high school English teacher and physical trainer.
She talked easily about the sex toys she recommended for the elderly and talked for more than an hour in a row.
It was clear that she was very comfortable lifting the rabbit vibrator on her face to show the size.
When she carefully imitated the Hum vibration patterns of different styles, her curly gray hair made a hum.
In a demo of the recording, she was wearing a silver ring and a t-
She proudly showed off a shirt with a wand design that said "Knowledge is power ".
"Sex toys are gifts for the elderly," 74year-old award-
The winning author told Mashable.
"A lot of things are changing as we grow older, or our medical conditions can get in the way of us.
There are too many things, but there is a solution to every problem.
"Picture: For the past 13 years, MashablePrice has been blogging about sex from the perspective of older people.
It was a job she fell into when she met her "great love" Robert, an artist and teacher at age 57.
Their sexual relationship inspired her to publish her first book, "better than I thought: talk about sex directly after 60.
She toured the country, checked her inbox and found herself one of the lucky ones.
When she has a good partnership, many of her peers don't.
She decided to help.
Since then, she has written two more books about the sexual happiness of the elderly and reviewed more than 100 personality toys from the perspective of the elderly.
She's going to sex too.
Active feminist stores, such as Happy Box, tool shed and Smitten Kitten, can hold workshops to help retail people understand the topic.
See also: Pornhub wants to teach seniors how to have a safe sexy sex. The standard that prices are used to determine whether toys are particularly attractive to people in her age group is broad --ranging.
She asked herself: will it vibrate strongly enough for those who find themselves needing extra feelings now?
Is it ergonomic? Lightweight?
Since it takes longer to wake up now, can it last a long time without overheating or running out of power?
Can controls be easily recognized without contact with reading glasses?
If it is insertable, would it be the right size for those who are now more prone to vaginal pain and decreased elasticity?
Lawless also admitted that older people who called her customer service hotline were terrified of buying these products --
Often for the first time.
There are different preferences and inquiries.
Take a USB charger as an example, which can be confusing for those who don't know much about technologysavvy.
If the USB charger looks scary, forget the whole new world of WiFi --
Remote electronic toys are supported.
Despite the special needs of the elderly, neither the criminals nor the price are willing to name hypothetical toys designed and sold specifically for the elderly (
Like Moe.
Is absolutely necessary.
After all, they told Mashable that there was already ergonomic --
The Vibrators designed on the market do meet many of the physical needs of older people with arthritis. Are glow-in-the-
The dark control button is reallyor-break feature?
How about the instructions printed in a larger font?
It's hard to say yes.
But in any case, this elegant and Frankie plot does reflect a marked lack of representation for the elderly in the booming adult product market.
On the Internet, most people buy their entertainment products and you rarely find photos or languages of old models in the product description to solve their special problems.
Picture: netflixAmong offers Tantus in companies that consciously work to address and fight for this population, which has been actively creating sexual toys that take into account disabled users for many years.
And Fiera pre-
The intimate vibrator that produces wake-up, its creator tells Mic that it is made by the elderly.
There is also a hot octopus "capping" product like pulse iii, which does not require penis upright use.
This may be of great benefit to older people who may have erectile function problems.
Adam Lewis, founder of the hot octopus, in an email to Mashable, said the technical basis of the product came from "a medical device for hospitals that allows men with spinal cord injuries and severe erectile dysfunction to ejaculate.
"As a company, we strongly believe that the industry needs to change attitudes towards aging and sexuality (
It's a different but relevant debate),” he adds.
To reflect that these products can solve more common problems for older people, the company consciously includes photos of older stock models and people in wheelchairs than you can see on other websites.
But to a large extent, this is not an area where too many companies will feel comfortable in the near future.
For example, when I came up with a hypothetical proposal to make and sell sex toys specifically for older users, a sex toy designer did laugh.
When carefully reading the products in the online store, this mindset can be clearly seen that these products help the elderly and those with mobility problems, such as sexual furniture.
You still only see young, capablebodied models.
See also: The six technological revolutions will not be crowdfunding, and there are other products that may be specially designed for the elderly, but not necessarily sold to them.
These include electrical stimulation vibrators, a negative pump, and a suction cup (
Like that woman)
And a hollow penis.
Although she pointed out that the latter product may be very large and does not necessarily meet the limitations of the old vaginal owner.
"Although marketing does not show people with wrinkles --
Yes, I think very seriously that it should --
"Many retailers and manufacturers are very interested in demographics," Price told Mashable . ".
"Of course, it makes sense, business --wise.
But it makes sense too, because they are young [customers]
If they are lucky, they will grow old.
Although she said she still saw all the "unpleasant factors" when the topic of sex among older people came up, Price noted that she had begun to see a slow shift.
"We have not yet done what I want to achieve here, but at least I am not seen as an advocate for underage sex," she said . ".
"I still get 'Come on, stop, 'from some people '.
But I didn't stop.
"We have the right to enjoy sexual pleasure for life," she added . ".
Although it would be interesting to see where Grace and Frankie will bring the fictional six-skill duo to next season, many people are even more eager to see if the film can be something more than "just seen on TV.
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