While you were sleeping: Best toys, saddest clowns, and curious celebrations with Céline Dion and Rod Stewart - best anal toys for men

The 2016-
17 toys and games guide from proté gez
Vous includes 180 suggestions, including 100 new toys and 30 new games.
The product recommended this year was rated three stars to five stars and tested by real children in real families --92 of them.
Of the products, 23 received 5
Because they and their families alike
The testers also found five very bad products.
This annual guide is only available to users and will be available for sale on the newsstand on Friday.
A picture on their website shows some sort of space toy, a meditative red cow, and a stuffed creature that is not a Pokémon.
Celine Dion finished her first show in front of more than 4,000 spectators at Las Vegas Caesar's Palace.
She thanked her late husband, René Angel, and her fans for letting her "choose the international language ".
In 2003, Dion first performed at Caesar's Palace, a new day for Franco Dragon.
From 2007 to 2011, she took a break and returned to Selene, who was directed by the Grammy Award at the Roman Arena --
Award winning director Ken Ellis
At the end of her first-quarter show, the audience was overwhelmed by confetti and balloons.
In a haunted house in Newfoundland and Labrador, a volunteer was harassed by a guest because he was dressed in clown clothes.
The teenager was not injured, but he was shocked by what happened in St terror town.
When a man came out of the car and attacked him verbally
The incident seems to have turned around the creepy clown boom, with the opera writers in North America and Britain dressed up as clowns, intimidating the unsuspecting public.
There will be no more clowns in the horror town this year: _ (71-year-old rock singer Rod Stewart is wearing plaid trousers-
A tribute to his Scottish heritage. and a scarlet-
Army trimmed
Prince William will give the Knight a waist coat at Buckingham Palace. The raspy-
Daya's voice Singer thinks I'm sexy, you dress well and it's a great honor to "serve music and charity", hopefully because of his unique hair --do.
His wife, Penny Lancaster, and his sons, Alastair and Aiden, joined him.
The image of who will have to call him Sir, not pop music
For the ceremony.