'Who the hell buys a vibrator from Poundland?' Shoppers are left in hysterics after spotting £1 sex toys on sale at the budget chain - vibrating ring sex toy

Poundland is a good choice.
Buy all the cheap and happy stuff, but some customers wonder if the store has gone too far after discovering the sex toys on the retailer's shelves.
For only 1 pound you can buy bright pink Vibrating bullets
There are even gel and wipes.
Seeing this private accessory, many people share their reactions with Twitter hysterically.
It is believed that the products began to be sold in 2015, but the store recently expanded its sales to more stores across the country.
Please rest assured that they are well received.
Poundland's product was discussed on Channel 4's Sex Box, and sexologist Goedele Liekens said that the bullets are no different from the hundreds you're going to pay
A shopper went straight to Twitter to post photos of their purchases and said: "omfg they sold a vibrator in poundland" and several people cried --face emojis.
Jamie tweeted: "who bought a vibrator from Poundland?
Of course, a pound is definitely not enough.
When other people found this beautiful sex toy, they quickly joined in.
"Well, why didn't anyone tell me that you could buy a vibrator from poundland? " Dorian asked online ? "?
Angie reviewed the bullet and gave an honest and unimpressive response: the vibrator from poundland was fine.
"Nothing is empty, but the vibration is the inner vibration.
Another netizen decided to tell her followers about her findings and wrote on Twitter: "Just to let you know that you can buy the vibrator & c * from Poundland **'Top quality.
"When Sue received a vibrating bullet from Poundland as a Secret Santa gift on a Christmas Day, she became embarrassed and forgot to put it away.
She said two engineers from BT came to test the telephone line and saw it in the kitchen.
Tamara said she was equally embarrassed when her sister bought her a vibrator from the discount store.
Others, however, accepted the purchase.
A boyfriend said, "I feel very naughty!
The look on her face as I stuffed a bullet vibrator into her shopping basket. '#Priceless.
Charlotte said on Twitter that her friend Charlotte officially bought me a popundland vibrator for my birthday, but that hasn't happened yet.
Kathy shared her findings on Instagram.
She uploaded a fresh picture of it.
Stacked on a rack with a bullet vibrator, ask, "Will you believe the vibrator of Poundland, though ? "? ? ?
Her photo shows a big logo on the product, indicating that no one under the age of 18 can buy a bullet.
Poundland said the girls' dormitory: 'the bullets fired by Poundland were on August 2013.
Poundland is a responsible retailer that encourages security behavior.