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- wireless remote control vibrator

by:KISSTOY     2020-02-07
  -  wireless remote control vibrator
Released by Sarah Griffith: EDT 06:17 on March 5, 2014 | update: EDT 09:57 on March 5, 2014, while some women can enjoy multiple orgasms in one day, others are hard to reach.
Now, a machine claiming to have reached its climax by pressing the button has been patented in the United States. S.
But there is some pain here in order to have this convenient pleasure.
The machine is designed to be a medical implant that includes an implant that is a little smaller than a cigarette pack and requires surgery.
It uses electrodes to trigger the orgasm.
Its creators hope this box of tricks can be used to treat women with orgasm dysfunction.
Jim pufás, who studies the neurobiology of sexual behavior at the University of monteelconcodia, told the New Scientist: "Some women confuse the so-called sympathetic awakening, for example, the heart rate is accelerated, the nerves of the hand's wet fear, and so on.
This made them want to get rid of the situation.
While psychotherapy is a common treatment, implants can "solve" this situation using a more manual approach.
During surgery to install the implant, the patient will remain awake and during surgery the surgeon will determine the correct nerves to install the electrodes in the patient's spinal cord.
They connect to the signal generator.
Smaller than a pack of cigarettes.
Can be implanted under the skin of the patient's hip.
The idea is that the implant can be triggered by hand.
Hand-held remote control, the climax can be delivered by pressing a button-even some climax can be programmed to be delivered weekly or daily.
But details have not yet been decided and clinical trials will begin later this year.
Stuart Meloy is the surgeon of the consultant for anesthesia and pain in Winston Piemont
Salem in North Carolina supported the technology and came up with the idea by chance.
"I was putting electrodes and suddenly the woman started screaming strongly," he said . ".
I asked her what had happened and she said, "You have to teach my husband to do this.
"Mr Meloy has not tested the device on men yet, but he says there is no reason to think that it cannot be used to achieve the same result. A Minneapolis-
The Medtronic-based company will conduct a medical trial, but Mr Meloy said the treatment was intended for the most serious cases of Orgasm dysfunction because it is as invasive as a pacemaker.
However, Dr. Pfaus said that since teenagers are currently suffering from painful surgery to expand their breasts, they are likely to suffer from invasive surgery to make it easier to reach orgasm.
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