'you think getting vc money for an adult toy business is tough?' the perils of being an adult toy entrepreneur - sexy adult toys

Before that, their negotiations were perfect.
"They seem to be very excited about it," said Ethan Imboden, founder of adult toy startup Jimmyjane, who had discussions with the company's women vibrator contract maker.
At the end of the conversation, the contractor also made pistol parts in another part of his facility, and he asked Imboden about the cylinder --shaped object.
"This is a female vibrator," 42-year-
Old entrepreneurs explain.
Imboden said the contractor withdrew the next day due to "ethical reasons.
"So, from a moral point of view, it's a company that has absolutely no problem producing handguns, but absolutely refuses to work with a company that involves sexual health and health --
He pondered.
This is just the beginning.
Over the years, Imboden had to deal with the magazine dropping his product ads at the last minute, and the credit card service left Jimmyjane confused about sexual services.
In the adult toy industry, Imboden is a pioneer in a variety of toys.
He founded Jimmyjane back in 2003, when the industry was dominated by cheap and bad things --
Designed products.
With Imboden successfully opening up a market segment interested in his premium products, things have changed a lot.
However, entrepreneurs working in the industry have found a lot of taboos, but still remain the same.
Manufacturing costs and rapid prototyping are often the top priority for most hardware startups.
For adult toy startups, however, morality and religion cast a long shadow over the entrepreneur's journey.
In turn, whether these decisions are related to investment or manufacturing, they take financial considerations into account when making several key decisions.
Jackie Strano, executive vice president, said: "sex and pornography are usually concentrated together
President of Good Vibrations, San Francisco's oldest adult toy store.
The association has had a negative impact on brands in the adult toy industry.
This also affects how entrepreneurs and investors view the adult industry. “They (entrepreneurs)
Because sex and happiness are frightening in this country, "Strano said.
Entrepreneurs in the adult toy industry prefer to classify their products as consumer goods.
Angel List is a database of popular companies and angel investors with 38 companies and zero investors listed.
No other startup in this category is in Silicon Valley. Instead up-and-
The upcoming startups, such as Crave and Minnalife, and established companies like Jimmyjane, are all listed in the consumer goods category.
Imboden from Jimmyjane drew a different path and set out on his own ten years ago.
Some entrepreneurs have joined him in recent years, but not many.
This is partly due to the restraint of entrepreneurs in their connection with the industry.
Dema Tio from another San Francisco Vibease
The adult toy startup said he was asked by other entrepreneurs to "go to the porn industry instead of attending a tech/startup conference ".
Justin Wilcox, who designed the Android app, said: "entrepreneurs prefer to work in" sexy "but not sexually --"
Closely connected
Record and transmit vibration.
After winning second place at last year's startup, Wilcox studied the adult toy industry and turned his app into business.
"Watch some of the interactions between the business and the customer (Think cam Girl)
"It feels a bit distorted," he said . ".
Wilcox spoke to his mother in charge of bookkeeping before launching the app on the Android market.
"Her response was actually very positive and supportive," he said . ".
But, he added, unlike other apps he developed, she did not share the app on Facebook.
Investors also seem to agree with the entrepreneur's taboo on connecting with the adult market.
Over the past few weeks, I have contacted several venture capital companies and angel investors for this article.
No one commented on their investment or the outlook for the industry.
I also searched Google for references to previous interviews with investors in this area, but did not have much success.
The lack of information or comments from investors is surprising, especially in Silicon Valley, where the window of time between successful start-up and disaster is very short.
In such a scenario, public statements and interviews provide quick customer traction and publicity.
They also laid the foundation for further investment in the industry.
Despite his frequent comments on the news, legendary investor Tim Draper of Silicon Valley's famous venture capital firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson has invested in his Jimmy Jane
Phil Schlein, a member of Jimmyjane's board of directors and an individual investor in the company, provides a silent thread saying Silicon Valley is "a bit of a Qing attitude ".
This attitude is also the result of conservative limited partners.
"A lot of big money is still linked to people of certain religious or cultural beliefs," Strano said from a good vibration . ".
Another startup, Crave, who works in the intersection of adult toys and technology, CEO Michael topalovac, can prove that.
"In terms of the resistance we face, this is mainly due to religious reasons," he said . ".
He said his pitch to institutional investors had been rejected because investors were responsible for their partnership of Catholic institutions. His co-
Founder Ti Chang also tells another story about their work list being banned by the Open-Ended Working Committee because it's for an adult toy startup.
"Religion always hinders the development of culture," she said . "
By the way, Topolovac is a continuous entrepreneur who raised over $33 million for his previous Cloudbased startup.
"There's time and place," said the 40-year-old. five-year-old.
This time, he raised a lot less money (in single-digit millions).
Despite the desire to become a hardware startup with higher upfront costs, this is the truth.
"This enables you to improve capital efficiency," he said of the funds he raised . ".
After being rejected by multiple investors, Brian Krieger of Minnalife explored other financing options such as the Small Business Association (SBAs)
His startup company.
"Their moral terms have broken the deal," he said . "
"The possibility of seeing this space definitely needs some angle," he said . ".
According to Vibease's Tio, investors are also taking a "wait-and-see" attitude towards companies that have not yet listed.
Unverified industry“Will it (
Future Direction)
Will it become a sex care industry in the core adult industry? ” he asks.
Without traditional financing channels, some entrepreneurs have chosen to raise funds for their products.
For example, Krieger recently held an Indiegogo event for Limon like Vibease.
Similarly, Topolovac and Chang raised money from CKIE for their products.
A crowdfunding website for designing products.
Before that, however, they "kicked off" from Kickstarter-arguably the most popular crowdfunding platform ".
According to Topolovac, they researched and followed all project guidelines on the crowdfunding website before submitting the video.
"There is nothing in their project guide that suggests or states that the vibrator is not allowed to appear on their website," he said . ".
Their opinions were still rejected.
The reason for the rejection is still unclear.
"They basically said," We don't allow vibrators on Kickstarter "or" we don't like vibrators, "he said, adding that the site decided to review (
Not planning)their product.
I contacted Kickstarter but they declined to comment on this post.
At the very least, this is the founder of my secret luxury, Stacy Rybchin.
Com, an online adult service provider, said.
According to Rybchin, she was denied payment and credit card processing services by several mainstream banking and credit card processing services due to her business line.
"I have to spend longer than other entrepreneurs looking for services that are willing to work with me," she said . ".
The roots of the lebuchin problem can be traced back to the association between the adult toy and the sex industry.
It turns out that the association is not without reason: several adult services, including entertainment and toy services, share a common infrastructure element with the sex industry.
This is because of the high risk associated with the industry and the amount of refunds, mainstream providers prohibit the provision of such services to the adult industry.
Bank of America and Bank of America, for example. S.
Banks do not provide merchant accounts to the adult industry.
In the absence of them,
And more expensive)
The industry has emerged.
The network of this payment processor (
Mainly for the sex industry)
It was Hobson's choice of a recent group of entrepreneurs.
Even if they try to stay away from the low end of the market, there is limited choice for entrepreneurs.
Robin Elenga of Revel Body said: "This is against our corporate values, but we have no choice . " He talked about his company using payment processing engines related to the sex industry.
Some mainstream payment service agencies have revised their policies to meet the needs of adult toys.
Paypal is a aggregator for the payment processing engine, providing such services to suppliers after reviewing their websites and product catalogues.
According to the company's spokesman Albert Schweitzer, Paypal allows the service to be used for "certain forms of adult content that neither violence nor describe illegal acts ".
"Recently, the company has also tried to use their services to pay for access to adult online content.
Even so, some suppliers are facing problems.
For example, a well
The well-known credit card company called Imboden to ask if there was a significant refund for his service.
Further investigation revealed that, in fact, there was no refund or reversal of the transaction from Jimmyjane.
The official mistaken the company for sexual services.