your a to z of sexual terms - anal sex vibrator

Although we are the existence of sex, sex is one of the topics we are trying to avoid talking about.
We all know the position of traditional missionaries, but when we see sex in movies, there are more things we don't know or are embarrassed to ask.
Let's take a look at the Ato Z of our sex life.
Anal sex: this is sexual intercourse involving anal penetration.
Sex role-
Including the performance of power and submission.
Consent: If your partner wants sex, they should ask for your consent.
Secretions: is a liquid made of glands of the vagina and cervix.
Ejaculation: When a aroused man reaches orgasm and releases a semi-foreplay, it happens: it helps to increase sexual desire and prepare for sexual intercourse. G -
SPOT: this is the area inside a woman's svagina, which can bring her a lot of fun.
HORNY: that means when you are surrounded and want to be intimate.
Incest: sexual relations between people with close relationships such as families.
Ock itch: a common fungal skin infection that affects the genitals, buttocks, and thighs.
Kissing: the act of pressing the lips on another person or object.
Lipiddo: this is the number or frequency of people who are eager to have sex.
Masturbation: sexual arousal reaches its climax.
Nipple game: this is another source of joy when playing the nipple game.
Climax: there is a strong sexual pleasure in the process of sex.
Pan: A person who has sexual, physical and mental appeal to both men and women.
Quef: the sound that comes out when a small portion of the air is forced to leave vjayjay.
It is sucking, licking, kissing and penetrating your partner's anus with your tongue. SIXTY-
Nine: Two people perform oral jobs at the same time.
Bagging: the act of a man placing a penis in his partner's mouth.
Urethra: a tube that transports urine from the bladder to the outside body.
Vibrator: a sex toy used for the body to produce erotic stimuli.
Wet Dreams: orgasm during sleep, including ejaculation or wet vagina. X-
Qualitative: pornography or sex.
"X" is the most disgraceful evaluation.
Yeast infection: caused by excessive growth of natural yeast in the vagina.
ZZZ: usually defined as the sound used to imply sleep or snoring.