Your vagina cleans itself: why vagina cleaning fads are unnecessary and harmful - newest sex toys
All kinds of so-
Products known as women's sanitary products seek help with "vaginal odor" and secretions and "keep you fresh ".
From deodorant to cucumber cleaning, scented "underpants" and the latest popular "vaginal steaming ".
These products actively promote the view that women's vagina should be discharged from hospital.
Free, no smell at all, or smell of rose petals or vanilla pods.
Many women believe that vaginal secretions are unnecessary and unnatural, not physiological and normal.
According to the data, about half of women use "underpants" every day to absorb emissions of up to 30 cents.
While Australian women generally do not like the French term "rinse" to rinse the vagina with liquid spray, it is important to understand why cleaning the vagina is not recommended.
The vagina is its own.
Cleaning, vaginal secretions play an important role in maintaining vaginal health.
Starting from puberty, when estrogen enters the vagina, the vagina is colonised by healthy bacteria in the lactic acid-producing group.
This finely balanced vaginal ecosystem is called the vaginal microbial group, and the resulting vaginal acidity provides protection against sexually transmitted infections.
Healthy vaginal secretions are made up of liquid from the vaginal wall, mucus from the cervix, and lactic acid bacteria, because the vaginal environment is affected by hormones, and emissions are expected to change throughout the month, completely normal.
In addition to providing a protective environment, vaginal secretions provide natural lubrication to produce liquid from 1 to 4 MLS every 24 hours.
Healthy vaginal secretions have a unique smell-in some women this smell becomes stronger due to the large amount of sweat glands in the hair --
Carrying public areas.
Therefore, cleaning inside the vagina is not recommended, but it is important to keep the outer skin clean.
Anything put into the vagina has the potential to disrupt the vaginal environment and its balanced vaginal flora, including tampon, penis, condom, semen, fingers and sanitary toys.
In these cases, the rupture is almost always temporary and the vagina will recover quickly.
However, this may not be the case in the case of vaginal cleaning products or repeated flushing.
Homemade bean juice usually contains water and vinegar. commercial products contain preservatives and spices, which can reduce the protective effect of lactic acid bacteria and reduce emissions.
So the latest "v-
Treatment ", quote a version promoted on Gwyneth Paltrow website GOOP: you sit on something that is essentially mini
The throne, as well as the combination of infrared and wormwood steam, can clean your uterus, and so on.
This is a vibrant release.
Not just steam flushing.
Balance female hormone levels.
In addition to the risk of burning and scalding, there are many other reasons why notsteam.
Steam not only produces a dry effect on the vagina, but it may also destroy the vaginal microbial population and reduce the natural barrier of the body against infection.
While there is no steam to reach the uterus, the herbal smoke that blows hot to this important organ has no benefit and can actually cause harm.
This pseudo will certainly not work.
Scientific treatment of female hormone levels.
While vaginal secretions are of course normal, if you have a significant change in the volume, color or smell of the secretions, you should seek medical advice.
Changes in vaginal secretions may be signs of infection, although most bacterial transmission infections, including chlamydia and gonoseria, do not usually cause any changes in secretions.
The more common cause is vaginal fungus (vaginal thrush) or bacterial vaginal disease (BV), which occurs when the vaginal flora is excessive
Colonize with yeast (yeast) or other vaginal bacteria.
Bacterial vaginal disease refers to a disease in which the vagina cannot return to normal and become more alkaline.
The alkaline nature of menstrual blood may be related to bacterial vaginal diseases.
Lactic acid bacteria are reduced and replaced by other vaginal bacteria that may be associated with increased green
Gray secretions and bad smells.
While this situation is not considered harmful, for women with bacterial vaginal disease, persistent stench secretions can be debilitating and they should go to the doctor to discuss how to control the situation.
As doctors working on sexual health, we are eager to help women find out what is normal and what is not.
The practice of refusing to disguise as a clinical treatment but without the evidence base is critical.
Vaginal secretions are healthy and play an important role in resisting infection.
There is no point in trying to eliminate it, in fact it is harmful.
Dr. Ellie Friedman, medical director of the Royal North Shore Hospital North Sydney Sexual Assault Services Specialist Clinic
This article was written.
Deborah Batterson, an associate professor of clinical studies in obstetrics, gynecology and neonatal disciplines at the University of Sydney, was originally published in the conversation.
Read the original text.