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Zika case sparks questions about sexual transmission - anal sex toys for women

by:KISSTOY     2020-03-05
Zika case sparks questions about sexual transmission  -  anal sex toys for women
A Zika sexually transmitted case in Texas has caused scientists to scramble to understand how much risk of contracting Zika through sex --spread illness.
Experts continue to stress that mosquitoes are the main culprit in the Zika epidemic that threatens Latin America and the United States.
"Mosquitoes will be a great river to spread, and sexually transmitted will be similar to Mountain Creek," said Dr.
William schafner, an infectious disease expert at the University of van der Burg
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What pregnant women and others need to know "our children are forgotten": the devastating impact of Zika on seven Zika children after 3 years
Infected mothers have health problems and study the findsMore of Zika virus, but the case in Texas has sparked more discussion about Zika virus and other diseases, these diseases are usually likely to spread.
Mosquitoes: "The most deadly animal on Earth" in the process of many mosquito outbreaks, other types of transmission may be difficult to find
The doctor pointed out that the infection is happening.
Ali Khan, former U. S. disease investigatorS.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
"It's hard to solve this problem in an epidemic," said Khan, now dean of the School of Public Health at the University of NE.
He said that where the epidemic is not rampant, it is necessary to identify something similar to sexual transmission.
That's what Dallas is.
The Zika epidemic is expected to cause millions of infections in Latin America and the Caribbean, but the United States did not report transmission until this week's Dallas case.
Health officials say there's a man there.
No one has been to the outbreak area. was infected.
A survey concluded that the person had contracted the Zika virus by having sex with someone who had recently returned from Venezuela, where Zika infection is increasing.
So far, the CDC has confirmed at least 51 cases of Zika;
The case in Dallas is the only one that has not been infected abroad.
The CBS news website posted some details about the case, except that both patients had recovered.
But this is not the first case to increase the possibility of sexually transmitted viruses.
Brian Foy, a researcher at Colorado State University, found the virus in Africa and spread it to his wife in 2008.
Recently, the virus was found in the semen of a man on Tahiti Island.
"After the Dallas case, the scientific community is scrambling to discuss how best to solve the problem and how best to study it," Foy said . ".
Most people experience the Zika virus at most as mild symptoms.
But there is growing evidence in Brazil that the virus is linked to brain defects and babies with unusually small heads.
The possible link between the Zika epidemic and Brazil's small head deformity prompted the World Health Organization to announce a global emergency on Monday, the rapid spread of the virus and its apparent link to birth defects are called "special events" that pose a threat to the rest of the world ".
Reuters spokesman Tarik Jasarevic said Wednesday that sexually transmitted cases in Texas were "clearly worrying ".
"We need to know more about the possibility of this happening.
We also have to know if there are other people. to-
The transmission of human beings, such as blood transfusion, such as Motherto-
"Children spread," he said.
Perhaps more worrying than sex is the danger that people in the Zika virus outbreak area may be lurking in blood donation, Dr. W.
Ian Lipkin, infectious disease researcher at Columbia University
"I want to remind pregnant women that any blood used should be tested for Zika virus," Lipkin said . " This has not happened at present.
However, there is no blood test on the market for extensive screening.
"At present, there is no licensed blood donor screening test for Zika virus in the United States. S.
The Red Cross told CBS News.
"There may be research tests in the future. " The U. S.
The Food and Drug Administration said it was investigating the problem.
Zika usually stays in the blood of infected people for a few days, but it can be found in some people for longer, the CDC said.
This week, the Red Cross said it asked travelers who had been to the Zika outbreak country to wait at least 28 days before donating blood.
On Wednesday, Canadian health officials announced that people traveling outside Canada, the continental United States and Europe were not eligible to donate blood within 21 days of their return.
The Canadian Blood Service says an waiting period is being implemented to mitigate the risk of Zika virus entering Canadian blood supply.
At the same time, the CDC updated the guidance for pregnant women.
In addition to avoiding travel to the affected areas and taking steps to prevent mosquito bites, the agency also recommends: "Before we learn more, if your male sexual partner travels or lives in an area where Zika virus transmission is active, during pregnancy, every time you perform vaginal, anal, and oral sex, you should all avoid sex or use condoms in the right way.
"The guidelines are extensive because there are still many unknowns about sexually transmitted and Zika virus," experts said.
How long is someone infected?
How long does the virus survive in sperm?
Will it spread only when the first person has symptoms?
Foy said that in his case, he did not start to develop symptoms until after he had sex with his wife.
"As far as there is little known about the risk of sexually transmitted, it is entirely a black box," Foy said . ".
Experts stress that, while sexual transmission may be a concern, mosquitoes will remain a bigger concern.
The worm injected the virus directly into the blood-
A very effective way to spread dangerous bacteria through the body.
"Mosquitoes are the deadliest animal on Earth," Schaffner said . ".
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