The best wholesale sex toy brand in the world | KISSTOY | Can Love, Can do. probing mystery packages sent to university student society offices

by:KISSTOY     2021-01-16
Amazon has no explanation for a series of mysterious anonymous emails received by Canadian universities and colleges, but insists it is investigating.
A spokesman for Amazon wrote in an email in response to the issue of TIME colonialism that the company is investigating because these incidents appear to violate the company\'s policies.
The email also shows that companies that sell these items have not received any address from Amazon.
In the past few months, Canada Post
The secondary student community from Maritimes to Vancouver Island has been receiving unsolicited Amazon packages.
They contain random items, including: sex toys, record players, fishing tackle, and a large number of digital cables.
Items appear at a rate of one to eight packages per day.
Camosun College Students Association says it has received more than 50 donations since the fall.
So far, only the Canadian campus has reported the packages.
A survey of five universities in Washington found that there were no reports of Amazon\'s recent mystery package.
All packages have a general address.
For example, Camosun packages simply said: \"The student union of Camosun College.
\"In addition, there is no mystery package with a waybill indicating who sent the item or who ordered it.
Several student clubs in Vancouver Island say they just hang items on them or donate.
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