Is there instruction manual for sex toys?
The instruction manual for sex toys is given by Love Quartet Electronics Technology Co., Ltd.. Packing a carefully-compiled and well-printed manual with detailed descriptions about the use, installation, and maintenance methods along with the product, we aim to provide customers with a satisfying experience. On the first page of the manual, step-by-step sum-up regarding installation, use, and maintenance is clearly shown in English. Furthermore, there are some exquisitely-printed pictures displaying every part of the product in detail. You can also ask our staff for the Electronic version of the manual and they will send it through e-mail.
Kisstoy specializes in the overseas high-end sex toys market. Kisstoy has created a number of successful series, and sex toys is one of them. KISSTOY sex toys has passed the on-site checking. The examinations are performed on-site during pre-production, during production, and final random inspections, which includes bar code check, hi-pot check, power consumption check, power-on check, etc. The product features great mobility. It is mounted on a rugged steel frame that is designed and manufactured specifically to project's needs.
Our sales team are professional to bring you best purchasing experience for our sex toys. Please contact us!
Kisstoy specializes in the overseas high-end sex toys market. Kisstoy has created a number of successful series, and sex toys is one of them. KISSTOY sex toys has passed the on-site checking. The examinations are performed on-site during pre-production, during production, and final random inspections, which includes bar code check, hi-pot check, power consumption check, power-on check, etc. The product features great mobility. It is mounted on a rugged steel frame that is designed and manufactured specifically to project's needs.
Our sales team are professional to bring you best purchasing experience for our sex toys. Please contact us!