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Makers of a MALE sex doll claim he is ‘the perfect replacement for men’… but can a 5’3″ sex toy REALLY be a good boyfriend?

by:KISSTOY     2021-01-04
A maker of male sex toys claims he may be a \"perfect replacement\" for human men \".
However, it is not clear at the same time that women\'s sexual dolls are required to eat this \'Samantha\' is increase, if women are willing to pay £ 1,300 for lifeless lovers who stand just 5\'3 \".
The doll, named John, with \"bionic genitals\", is described as an ideal choice for women and gay men.
John was designed in Japan, and his soft features were clear, with straight black hair on his eyes.
This shows in silicosexdoll. co.
Britain wrote: \"Whether it\'s gay or female, John can not only bring sexual joy, comfort and companionship to your life and health, but he is also a beautiful and handsome art in itself, it is also an excellent photography model.
\"The series of six photos, then shows John\'s series of charming male poses, including standing in a pair of tight underwear and a black vest, revealing his hard abs.
Other pictures show John-
Whose website claims the boat penis is nearly 8 inch-
Hang a jacket casually on one shoulder.
In another shot, he played Red shir and had a smooth chest.
Then John took a break and sat on a wooden rocking chair, and when he posed in another more exposed pair of underwear nearby, his clothes were carefully placed on it.
The second set of pants is more like a standard Y-
When the camera zoomed in to his torso, John put his hand on his hips.
In the last two photos, John sat on the bench, his legs were far apart, and his hands were placed on one thigh, showing a little macho.
While some men may think this is an attractive pose, most women find ways in which some men choose to sit down and stretch their legs because they will really turn --off.
In the last photo, John sat in the back of his seat with an arm stretching excitedly.
Earlier this month, Spanish inventors
When his special sex robot Samantha was \"groped to death\" in a parking lot in Barcelona, selgi Santos was heartbroken.
When a sexy doll brothel in the same city opened for the first time earlier this year, it was packed with energetic customers.
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