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MSNBC host Joy-Ann Reid once apologized for homophobic comments on her blog. Now she says she was hacked.

by:KISSTOY     2021-01-05
Weekend MSNBC show \"AM Joy\" host Ann Reid apologized more than four months ago for her acknowledgment of homophobic comments posted on her mid-term Blog2000s.
But now she suggested she didn\'t write a lot of posts in the first place.
She was black.
The controversy began in December, when a Twitter user named @ jamie _ maz, then Mediaite posted images of homophobic comments on Reid\'s face on her blog Reid Reportradio host.
The blog often guesses that Charlie Crist, the former Republican governor of Florida, is a secret gay man who has only married a woman as a facade, even though Crist has never been gay.
It makes fun of a straight woman\'s hairstyle and says it seems to indicate that she may be gay.
It expresses disgust at gay kissing and gay sex, leading the author to admit that she can\'t take herself to see Brokeback Mountain.
Reid wrote in an apology of December: \"As someone who is not a member of the LGBT community, I regret that I have addressed the complex issues of closets and guessing a person\'s sexual orientation in a mocking tone and irony.
It is insensitive, deaf and dumb.
There\'s nothing to forgive.
Not according to taste.
Radio station or radio station at that time
Not based on my intention.
But after @ jamie _ maz and Mediaite posted pictures of the second round of blog posts on Monday, Reid objected to the images, revealing that she consulted a cybersecurity expert on December, the expert \"found unauthorized activities\" on her blog \".
Reid did not specify which posts she thought were fraudulent or what offensive comments she allegedly did not write.
She did not explain why she apologized for homophobic remarks in December, but now she claims that an evil person must have attacked her.
In a statement to the media, Reid said, \"on December, I learned that an unknown external political party has
Blogs that no longer exist in Reid\'s report, including offensive and hateful references, are fabricated and run counter to my personal beliefs and ideologies.
\"These manipulated materials seem to be part of an effort to defile my character by distorting a blog that ended a decade ago,\" she said . \".
The Washington Post reviewed a dozen blog posts archived on Reid\'s website.
It was written between 2005 and 2010.
Other posts are also associated in Mediaite.
In a 2008 post entitled \"not a gay politician\", the author suspects the authenticity of Gov.
Krist\'s recent marriage said, \"I can see poor Charlie on my honeymoon, look at the male waiter and say to myself, \'God, do I really have to see her naked? \'. . .
In an article published on Monday, the author wrote, \"there is concern that adult homosexuality tends to be very young after
Adolescent types, which \"bring them into the lifestyle\" in ways that many people think are immoral \".
In another post, the blog says, \"most straight people will flinch when they see two men kissing.
Most straight men flinch from the Snickers ads.
Most straight men are hard to convince to watch Brokeback Mountain.
(I admit that even though my sister\'s support is loud, I can\'t go to the movie either because I don\'t want to watch these two male characters having sex.
) \"It might make me afraid of homosexuality.
\"In response to the question in the Post about whether MSNBC believed Reid\'s claim that she was hacked, a spokesperson for the network sent a complete-
A page statement by Reed cyber security consultant Jonathan Nichols.
The spokesman also included two letters from a lawyer in Reed on December to Google\'s parents Alphabet and the Internet Archive that runs Wayback machines.
Lawyer John H said in the letter
Reichman said Reid\'s blog contains both fake posts and \"fraudulent additions\" in legitimate posts \".
He said that the writing style and views of these posts do not match the \"well\"
\"And asked the Internet Archive to remove them from the archive and asked Alphabet to investigate if there were any bloggers.
Com, and Reid\'s blog in particular, was leaked.
In a statement on Tuesday, network security consultant Nichols said, \"We found that login information used to access blogs can be found on dark networks, fraudulent entries --
Offensive statement
Enter with a suspicious format and timestamp.
\"But internet archives are skeptical of Reid\'s hacking story on Tuesday.
In a statement in response to Reid\'s allegations, the Internet Archive said it reviewed Reid\'s blog profile after Reed\'s lawyers contacted the company.
The company says the files are no longer available on the return machine, as someone has used its automated system in recent months to close a screenshot of Reed\'s blog.
\"When we looked at the archives, we found no indication that the Wayback Machine version was tampered with or hacked,\" Butler\'s statement said . \".
\"At least some examples of alleged fraudulent posts provided to us have been archived on different dates and different entities.
\"The Washington Post has contacted Reid to comment on her different statements about the blog post.
Her change caused rapid criticism on Monday.
Most notably, PFLAG National, an LGBTQ advocacy group that withdrew its media Equality Award from Reid on Tuesday.
\"When we sent her an invitation
Reid, in order to pay tribute to her at our 45 th anniversary celebration, we know the blog post about Charlie Crist at the end of 2000, \"PFLAG National President Jean Hodges in a statement
\"We appreciate how she stood up, gained ownership, apologized for them and did a better job --
This is the behavior and approach we ask any ally to do.
However, in view of the new information and the ongoing investigation of this information, we must at this time revoke the ruling on Ms. Reid.
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