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SEX ACT MISHAP: Woman dies after husband allegedly uses mortar bomb as sex toy

by:KISSTOY     2021-02-02
A Peruvian man was arrested on murder charges, allegedly using mortar shells on his wife as a sex toy and killed her in the process.
According to the Peruvian news agency,
On November, Ruben Valera Cornejo had sex with his wife Alisson Llerena de Mediburu. 4, 2017.
Allegedly, in the act of drunken intimacy, the wife of Valera Cornejo asked him to use items around their home as sexual toys.
In the couple\'s home, there was a mortar bomb in the long object that could be inserted.
Valera Cornejo reportedly told police that he fell asleep during sex.
When he woke up, he found himself unconscious.
\"I don\'t remember how many sex objects we have, or the features of sex objects I introduced or the time I did so, the doctor said in a statement from the police.
Mendiburu Llerena de Mendiburu died of internal bleeding.
Police found a mortar in the investigation.
40 cm long and 7 wide
The body is full of traces of blood and pubic hair.
The Peruvian police said the mortar was reportedly considered inactive and used as an ornament.
Painkillers were also found at home, Arana said, and he \"believes they are used to control pain.
\"The father of medibleu, wassin tonliena, told peruvi21 that he asked for justice for the death of his daughter.
\"Let him (Cornejo) clean up in prison for what he did to my daughter.
I will continue to fight until the end, \"Llerena said.
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