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Sex in a virtual world

by:KISSTOY     2021-05-16
Let\'s talk about sex.
Is this taboo?
So, let\'s talk about cyber sex.
What\'s new about this?
Well, if you are addicted to the phenomenon of Second Life, a lot of things (SL)-the internet-
Virtual 3D world of 4 million people (residents)
People from all over the world are leading another way to live.
In the simplest form, having sex in SL starts with chat.
Two residents were standing in a corner, usually hanging out, but swearing on me for hours.
This is mainly for beginners.
They quickly entered a new level at which the Avatar stripped their virtual skin and entered the act itself.
This is achieved by a couple.
Animation, also known as \"pose ball\", is a floating sphere placed in a romantic area of the virtual world.
These are basically programs that activate the animation and allow the avatar to dance, hug, kiss or even have sexual intercourse when clicked by two avatars.
As the whole thing continues to be spoken on IM, animation can take the form of various sexual acts.
There is also an advanced level where you can attach clickable body parts to your avatar.
Just click on them and these can be \"touched \".
Since these parts monitor the level of awakening of the Avatar, the avatar can even get a virtual orgasm in this way.
It may sound interesting, but the technical details can be frustrating.
Take off your clothes, you need to correct-
Click on your avatar and select the \"clothes\" section of the pie-
Just like the interface that will appear around your body.
From there, you can take your clothes off one by one, or take them all off at a time.
When you want to put on your clothes again, you have to go into your list and find them in their separate folder.
Generally speaking, the pink pose ball is female and the blue one is male.
For clickable things, you need the right skin.
The default avatar has no genitals, so you need to buy it with clickable body parts.
Among other things-
There is a shop called Xcite in the world (
Or you can go to www. getexcite. com on the net).
When you see something to sell, you fall off the chair.
They have all kinds of body parts (
Of course, only sex! )
In all shapes, sizes, and colors depending on the level of wake-up.
It\'s like choosing a topend car.
By the way, more than just the body parts are available.
Users can buy devices ranging from realistic rotating beds and other pornographic furniture to fancy devices.
Did I forget the sex toys?
SL Sex tycoon Strock snake lines and his Strock toys with complex in-
Worldwide Technology
QDot Bunnyhug, known outside SL as a robot engineer and a blogger for the \"intimate interface (www. slashdong. org)
Kyle Machulis created the first open.
SOURCE Interface from SL internal control toy.
You will think that the appearance and feeling of such a sex control panel is to take a walk in the park.
Look at Sinulator (www. sinulator. com)or Highjoy (www. highjoy. com)interfaces.
They are as complex as the cockpit of the jet.
These interfaces allow you to connect real-world sex toys to virtual worlds like SL and enjoy your digital sex experience.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the future of sex and you have something bigger to worry about than breaking condoms and accidentally getting pregnant.
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