Deep Throat Questions
Mark Feldstein, Fred Francis and Howard Kurtz study a new book that casts doubt on some of the details of Bob Woodward\'s meeting with his Watergate incident sources
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This empty joke proves how far your reporter has gone.
You seem to be more interested in book trading and movie trading than real stories.
A good reporter can make any story understandable, even if it needs to make the story vivid. .
It was totally wrong to say Woodward was a great journalist.
It is more correct to say that the water gate event is a great story.
Woodward did not make it easier to understand the water gate incident.
He tried to make himself the protagonist of the story.
The decoration that makes the book and the film more dramatic makes the whole piece cheap.
There are too many news reports today. Too much spin.
When nothing more can be added, too many \"more to follow after a break \".
People in their 70 s have animal houses, Harrow and Mord (in my all-time top 5)
Anne Hall, this movienever seen)
And Rocky Hall. But the \'80 s?
We have Caddyshack, aircraft, normal people, BreakSfast Club, St.
Elmo\'s Fire, about last night, Amadis, The Lost Boy, the big cold, the Blue Velvet, this is the spine faucet, the dangerous contact, the dinner, the death Poets Association, the hunger, the High in Ridgemont, fast Time for ghost and death team and G-Love
All of them came out in the 1980 s. (
Not to mention one of your favorites, Raising Arizona. )
You can be 70 and I can be 80 and you can watch some of my DVDs if you\'re lucky. ?
First of all, let\'s say that the first aenswr you get shows the stupid ignorance of America today.
They do not question the intelligence of Fox News viewers, because they are Fox News observers, but because the audience does not act according to the views they personally hold.
This leads to the next question.
This is not to say that other people are not so \"pro\"
Americans \"look like they\'re pushing an agenda/pitch that they want you to judge.
When you think about it for yourself and don\'t drink the koolaid they\'re passing on, it\'s frustrating for them.
We live in a global upper class and there is no way out of this situation, they just want to be crowned King and seen as important public worship, not just to do their job honestly.
\"Check every fact on each channel and see your own excellent reading, watching, asking questions and never judge that anyone knows everything!
\"Good luck in your life, my friend!
As long as you comply with the rules of conduct set out in our terms of service, CNN welcomes a heated and courteous discussion.
Comments are not in advance
They were screened before they were released.
You agree that under our privacy policy and the license you grant under our terms of service, any content you post and your name and profile picture may be used.
Notify me of the new comments by email.
Now, more than ever, the media is part of every story it reports.
CNN\'s \"reliable source\" is the only regular show to check how journalists work and how the media influence the news they report.
Send Feedback on iTunes | instagramune at eleven o\'clock A. M. eastern time every Sunday | subscribe subscription!
Brian Stelter is the host of \"reliable sources\" and a senior CNN global media reporter.
Before joining CNN in November 2013, Stelter was a media reporter for The New York Times.
He is the best author of The New York Times.
Seller \"top of the morning.
This is his biography.
You can read his story on this blog and CNNMoney. com/Media/.
Click here to visit the transcript of the recent program.
My new page kaito kailin porn girl rule porn site UK accent porn ametuer porn xxx video free sara jay porn video research my change engagement porn read porn boxing porn digital art ur vagian best porn game pornographic illustrations bind the blog updated by porn hotel adults every day, so you want to be a lesbian male definition vocabulary Valentine\'s Day pictures free dirty sex toys old woman fat don\'t make up bveauty tips free baby girl clothes marijuana your discussion reporter about \"reporters. Wow.
This empty joke proves how far your reporter has gone.
You seem to be more interested in book trading and movie trading than real stories.
A good reporter can make any story understandable, even if it needs to make the story vivid. .
It was totally wrong to say Woodward was a great journalist.
It is more correct to say that the water gate event is a great story.
Woodward did not make it easier to understand the water gate incident.
He tried to make himself the protagonist of the story.
The decoration that makes the book and the film more dramatic makes the whole piece cheap.
There are too many news reports today. Too much spin.
When nothing more can be added, too many \"more to follow after a break \".
People in their 70 s have animal houses, Harrow and Mord (in my all-time top 5)
Anne Hall, this movienever seen)
And Rocky Hall. But the \'80 s?
We have Caddyshack, aircraft, normal people, BreakSfast Club, St.
Elmo\'s Fire, about last night, Amadis, The Lost Boy, the big cold, the Blue Velvet, this is the spine faucet, the dangerous contact, the dinner, the death Poets Association, the hunger, the High in Ridgemont, fast Time for ghost and death team and G-Love
All of them came out in the 1980 s. (
Not to mention one of your favorites, Raising Arizona. )
You can be 70 and I can be 80 and you can watch some of my DVDs if you\'re lucky. ?
First of all, let\'s say that the first aenswr you get shows the stupid ignorance of America today.
They do not question the intelligence of Fox News viewers, because they are Fox News observers, but because the audience does not act according to the views they personally hold.
This leads to the next question.
This is not to say that other people are not so \"pro\"
Americans \"look like they\'re pushing an agenda/pitch that they want you to judge.
When you think about it for yourself and don\'t drink the koolaid they\'re passing on, it\'s frustrating for them.
We live in a global upper class and there is no way out of this situation, they just want to be crowned King and seen as important public worship, not just to do their job honestly.
\"Check every fact on each channel and see your own excellent reading, watching, asking questions and never judge that anyone knows everything!
\"Good luck in your life, my friend!
As long as you comply with the rules of conduct set out in our terms of service, CNN welcomes a heated and courteous discussion.
Comments are not in advance
They were screened before they were released.
You agree that under our privacy policy and the license you grant under our terms of service, any content you post and your name and profile picture may be used.
Notify me of the new comments by email.
Now, more than ever, the media is part of every story it reports.
CNN\'s \"reliable source\" is the only regular show to check how journalists work and how the media influence the news they report.
Send Feedback on iTunes | instagramune at eleven o\'clock A. M. eastern time every Sunday | subscribe subscription!
Brian Stelter is the host of \"reliable sources\" and a senior CNN global media reporter.
Before joining CNN in November 2013, Stelter was a media reporter for The New York Times.
He is the best author of The New York Times.
Seller \"top of the morning.
This is his biography.
You can read his story on this blog and CNNMoney. com/Media/.
Click here to visit the transcript of the recent program.
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