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Four men and two women charged in police raid that closed alleged brothel in Charlestown

by:KISSTOY     2021-02-25
Authorities say four men and two women were summoned today in the Charlestown District Court after the Boston police raid, which closed a brothel allegedly operating in a federal-subsidized house
But counsel for some of the defendants, in contempt, considered the evidence \"very thin\" and said that the police and the Suffolk district attorney, Daniel F.
Conley\'s office did not provide any substantial evidence of a frequent crime in a house at 87 Cambridge Street.
In a report to the court, police said that the main focus of their ongoing investigation was Luiz vio, 22, and Hendricks Bei, 25, Boston.
Viaud and Berdet \"are a team of young women who distribute drugs and prostitution,\" police said in the report \".
The department\'s human trafficking department has taken over the investigation, police said.
Berdet\'s lawyer, George Morrissey, says his client lives on the first floor, while the drugs found are in the kitchen, a common area, on the first floor.
\"This is a weak case,\" he said in court . \"
The relevant charge in court today is that Viaud\'s bail is $7,500 and Berdet\'s bail is $500.
Another defendant, counsel for James Imbert, 25, Boston, said there was no basis for the charges against brothels.
\"No evidence of prostitution was provided to anyone,\" Imbert\'s lawyer Joseph Perullo said in court . \".
During the trial, Suffolk District assistant prosecutor Peter Pasciucco cited the Boston police investigation, which was triggered by a community complaint and led to a raid on the building on Thursday morning.
Police said in the report that they conducted a secret drug investigation, which included selling heroin to a secret police officer in Boston.
During the raid, police said, they recovered thousands of dollars in cash from various parts of the building, sex toys and business cards that former merchants usually use for prostitution.
Police also said they seized a leaflet with the words \"Charles Town madness\" on it.
\'\'Including phrases, \'\'spend $5 at the door to get together with us.
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Police said in the report that the slang meant \"enough girls to move around \".
\"In the police report, the resident of the apartment was identified as Sade Horsely, who paid $200 in the monthly rent of $1,200, and the rest were planned in federal Section 8
Horsely pleaded not guilty to the charges of holding class B and intending to distribute it.
She was released for personal security.
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