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His and hers smart sex gadgets for long-distance lovemaking

by:KISSTOY     2021-03-01
A new online sex device for the long term
There are two products that will be launched by the couple on March 29 (
Herah of a woman and Zeus of a man)
Available for pre-order.
Taipei design-
LovePalz is a company based in Winzz. it is two sex gadgets, Hela is like dildo and Zeus is like a smooth high.
High-tech Fleshlight (
All for $189).
Through the LovePalz website, couples can control their LovePalz devices during online sex, both of which are equipped with multiple pressure and speed sensors that work without a button,
According to the company, for example, herah can zoom in to match the excitement of men, while Zeus can tighten. Both devices --
Design with air pump and automatic piston--
Waterproof and rechargeable.
The device will also have a mobile version, but the company is developing an iOS app that, according to TechCrunch, has been delayed due to the App Store\'s restrictions on adultsthemed content.
Other interactive smart sex toys, including RealTouch, are designed to allow men to interact with porn, \"turn your deepest fantasy into reality,\" the website said \".
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