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Nude photos of judge contained in complaint

by:KISSTOY     2021-01-02
CBC News learned that nude photos of a senior judge in Manitoba who was engaged in slavery were part of a man\'s past to complain to legal regulators about the judge and her husband.
On July, the Canadian Judicial Council filed a formal complaint against Lori Douglas, deputy chief justice of the Queen\'s Court of Manitoba (Family Department).
The Manitoba Bar Association filed another complaint against Douglas\'s husband, Jack King, 64, and Winnipeg family counsel.
The complainant, 44-year-old computer expert Alexander Chapman, claimed that King harassed him in 2003 by forcing him to have sex with then-lawyer Douglas.
A few weeks later, Chapman said that Kim showed him about 30 pictures of Douglas\'s open bones, showing her naked in various forms of bondage, wearing a chain, with sex
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Chapman said that he was very upset with the King\'s proposal, so he began to sleep in his sanctuary.
Mary Avenue office, pretending he was too busy to see Douglas.
Bill Gange, King\'s lawyer, said King was suffering from depression at the time and did not tell his wife that he had shown these pictures to anyone --
Or he posted the photos on the porn site.
A legal expert in Ottawa said that even if Douglas, who was appointed judge in 2005, became a victim of a plan without knowing it, the appearance of the photo on the Internet caused a problem with her ability as a judge.
\"If your nude photo eventually appears on the Internet site, it\'s hard to say that you have the credibility to be a judge,\" said Sebastian graumder, head of the civil law department at the University of Ottawa.
The judge ultimately represents the ideal of justice, so the judge\'s conduct and image reflect the entire justice system, says Grammond.
In a sense, the judge is the embodiment of the judicial system, which the Supreme Court has pointed out in past judgments.
Grammond suspects that if Douglas disclosed her nude photos on the internet in her application, she would be appointed a judge.
One question in the application is, \"Is there anything in your past or present that can have a negative impact on yourself or the judiciary that should be disclosed?
\"I think the facts are questionable enough to warrant disclosure and ask very important questions about whether such a person should be appointed as a judge,\" says Grammond . \".
Douglas declined to comment on the allegations to the CBC News.
Chapman said that his first meeting with Douglas\'s husband, Jack King, was in 2002 when he hired him from the Winnipeg law firm Thompson doverman law firm to handle the divorce.
Five months later, Chapman said Kim invited him out for a drink and mentioned a porn site dedicated to cross-racial sex, especially between black men and white women.
\"He was talking to me about the website and other things ,. . . . . . He gave me a website to go to the site called Darkcavern.
Chapman said he was black and came from Trinidad.
Chapman said Kim gave him a password and told him to look at a section called \"our white princess\" where white women post photos to attract black men.
Chapman says the king\'s wife is a lawyer for the same company her husband works for, and many of her nude photos are posted there.
\"I want to vomit,\" Chapman said . \"\"[The pictures]
I can\'t believe my lawyer did this to me.
\"This is clearly not the first time the King has found a black man to have sex with his wife.
An advertisement on the dark cave site seen by CBC News shows Douglas\'s nude photos and looks for a \"smooth black male or Mexican\" on a trip to Cancun in February 2002\"
The advertisement states that the man is wanted to \"seduce her with the aim of getting her into compliance, much more
Cross-racial sex scenes.
\"The husband will help and promote,\" it goes on . \".
Pictures of Douglas have since been removed from the dark cave site.
Over the next few weeks, Chapman said Kim sent him more photos of his wife and continued to encourage him to have sex with his wife.
Ethics and Law cbc News introduced some key facts of the story to some legal and moral experts across Canada, but did not disclose the identity of the participants.
Here are a sample of their views:
Arthur Scheffer, director of the Centre for Professional and Applied Ethics at the University of Manitoba, said the story raised the issue of responsibility for all the lawyers involved.
If a member of the legal profession even takes pictures of risque pictures in the privacy of his own home, it will be \"extremely rash and reckless\" behavior for lawyers, it\'s okay for potential or future judges.
Schafer said that if someone disclosed this to the committee that reviewed the application, \"It is incredible that the lawyer who disclosed this would become a judge.
\"This is also problematic if it is not disclosed.
In both cases, he said, there are questions of public interest that need to be answered.
Wayne McKay, law professor at Halifax Dalhousie University, said that in this case it is important that the judicial candidate disclose all relevant information in advance.
If the picture appears on the Internet, it will cause serious problems.
\"Although it\'s obviously private --
The judge is still entitled to a private life-
The kind of picture when it is public, the kind of information when it is public, I think it will clearly bring about a judicial system or a judicial issue, or at least in the eyes of some, the image of the court has been weakened.
Alice Woolley, associate professor at the University of Calgary, said: \"Whether you are a judge or not, what you do in your bedroom is your business.
\"But because the photos were taken on the Internet, it entered a whole new area,\" Woolley said.
The Ifa potential judge was involved in this situation, which is not appropriate in light of our current norms of judgment.
The applicant must disclose this in the application.
\"That person should know that in that position they are not the right candidate appointed by the high court,\" said Annalise, a professor of law and ethics at the University of Alberta.
\"I don\'t think a person has the power to judge others, nor to send people to prison, and she says:\" When they have this material that harms themselves in the public domain, rewarding large amounts of money in damages, \"it does not matter whether individuals place them in the public domain itself.
Chapman said he was upset by the progress and did not know how to deal with the lawyer\'s persistent advice.
\"As a black man, a black man, I am really sad that he sees me as a sexual object.
\"He said he did not have enough money to change his lawyer and the judge warned him not to delay his divorce case any more.
When Chapman\'s divorce was coming to an end, he said he eventually agreed to meet Kim and his wife at a restaurant in Winnipeg, fearing that his lawyer would not properly represent him if he did not comply with the agreement.
According to Chapman\'s complaint to the Manitoba legal society on July 14, 2010, Kim asked Chapman to be alone with Douglas and they chatted.
In his complaint, Chapman said the meeting felt like a \"First Date \".
Chapman said the couple invited him to the bird mountain northeast of Winnipeg, but he had never been there and he denied having sex with Douglas.
When his divorce ended, Chapman said he filed a complaint with Thompson doverman\'s managing partner.
Shortly after the complaint, Kim left the company.
Chapman received $25,000 in cash from the king in exchange for a commitment not to take legal action against the king and his partner.
As part of the settlement, Chapman said he was asked not to talk about the matter and to destroy all the emails, photos and other materials sent to him by the King.
He said he signed it but kept the material.
After seven years of silence, however, Chapman decided to come forward and say that he was upset about the matter for a long time and was concerned that it might have an impact on the civil court case in which he was involved, it was related to his divorce in 2003.
CBC News did not see evidence of such an impact.
Chapman says he plans to sue Douglas and Kim for sexual harassment and discrimination.
\"I decided I was tired of protecting Lori Douglas, Jack King and all those people in the legal field who acted improperly and got away with it,\" Chapman said . \".
King\'s lawyer, Gange, quoted the depression of the King at the time, saying that Chapman claimed that the incident was part of an isolated incident, and that the king\'s wife did not know that he was inviting a client to have sex with her.
Douglas also didn\'t know her husband posted photos online, said Gago.
Gange told CBC News King that after interacting with Chapman, he took sick leave and received care from a doctor.
Gange said that King\'s behavior at the time was completely inconsistent with his previous or subsequent behavior.
Kim admitted in a letter to the Manitoba Bar Association that he did meet and talk about sex issues with Chapman, but until after Chapman\'s divorce in April 2003.
Chapman often starts a conversation, he said.
\"I have never been impressed, sir.
In a letter dated August, Kim wrote: \"Chapman and I are not comfortable with these discussions . \". 12, 2010.
He admitted that he talked about the possibility that Chapman had an affair with Douglas, but denied that she knew.
\"I really regret that I have any conversation or contact with the gentleman.
\"Chapman is not strictly involved in his divorce,\" he said . \".
\"I apologize to Mr.
Through Mr. Chapman.
Gange was told that my actions offended Sir. Chapman.
\"He said he was dealing with the death of his best friend and brother at the time.
A spokesman for Thompson doverman said that after the alleged incident, Kim withdrew from the company on the advice of his doctor.
It was not until 2005 that Douglas was appointed partner in Queen Manitoba\'s court.
She was later appointed chief justice and is now a member of the Judicial Council of Canada, which develops policies for the federal justice system.
The committee was the same body that heard complaints about the conduct of the federal appointment of judges, and Chapman filed a complaint with the same body.
Since Douglas is a judge, the Commission is the only professional body that can hear complaints against her.
The complaint investigation by the Canadian judicial commission usually takes three months.
Only by parliamentary order can a Federal appointed judge be removed from office.
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