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Ridiculous Laws You Did Not Know You Are Breaking

by:KISSTOY     2021-05-17
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Everyone thinks they\'re law.
Most people are law-abiding citizens;
But there are some laws in the book that you can break and don\'t even think you\'re doing something wrong (
Because you don\'t).
Here are some laws that you may violate if you live in some parts of the United States.
Sex toys some states regulate sex toys, but the court\'s ruling overturned some of these laws because they interfere with your right to privacy.
Some of these laws still survive.
In Arizona, it is illegal to have more than two dildo types of sex toys, because, why do you need more than two sex toys in Alabama?
The sale of sex toys is prohibited andxa0It is still the only country to ban the sale of such items.
The Federal Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Alabama upheld the law.
You \'ve heard of laws prohibiting nudity in public, but you know, if you\'re a woman, in Tucson AZ, then it\'s illegal for you to wear pants and the law is not enforced, but technically, if you are a woman and you are wearing pants, you may be in trouble with the law. In St.
You can wear ladies pants, but it is better for them not to wear red ones, because the law stipulates that women cannot wear red clothes.
Sunset, in Virginia, Norfolk, put on a bodice for the ladies and don\'t forget your male partner.
In Myrtle Creek, Oregon, if you take a shower, you need to cover from your neck to your knees, which is \"the right clothes \".
In North Dakota, if you\'re dancing, or where people are dancing, you \'d better leave your hat at home because the law actually states, you can happen because you are wearing a hat in a dance activity.
Stealing Grinch from late January credit: MicroWorksSo you don\'t really keep up with the removal of Christmas and holiday decorations, if you live in Maine then you\'re just looking for trouble, because it\'s illegal to have your decorations after January 14.
The same law applies in San Diego, but they will give you until February (
Hey, you can always say those are the decorations for your Valentine\'s Day)
Otherwise, a fine of $250 will be imposed.
At Guilford, CT you \'d better not be too creative about Christmas lights, as only white Christmas lights are allowed.
In South Carolina, you are not allowed to work on Sunday, according to title 53, Chapter 1, section 53rd1-
But the law has not been enforced.
DrinkingCredit: Digital Vision \"Don\'t Drink and Drive\" is a good idea, but there are some laws that are not very convincing about drinking.
You can\'t order beer and pretzels in North Dakota, as this combination cannot be provided in restaurants or bars.
If you go to Las Vegas, don\'t buy a round of drinks for everyone, because Nevada\'s law will object if you buy more than 3 drinks.
The age of drinking is usually 21 years old, but at Furman University in SC, the age of drinking is 60 years old (
So why go to college? .
Finally, in Columbia, Missouri, you can\'t drink between two o\'clock A. M. and six o\'clock A. M . . . . . . But after six o\'clock A. M.
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