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The problem with sex education for LGBTI women

by:KISSTOY     2021-02-14
When you tell someone that you spend the day petting a watermelon, they tend to sit up and pay attention.
This is lucky, because it is a new goal to attract attention, notquite-safe-for-
Work music video for Sexual Health
Sex attracts women.
Research by the Sydney women and sexual health survey shows that lesbian and bisexual women account for more
It is clear that women have never been tested for sexually transmitted infections and that some creative methods of sex education are needed.
Of course, since the prevalence of the \"do not do\" abstinence model, sex education has made great progress.
With the development of the new government, we have even gone beyond the familiar \"banana condom\" approach
Funding teaching resources designed to help young people navigate consent, relationships and even happiness.
But the debate around the Safe Schools Alliance, which is a program aimed at improving the mental health outcomes of lesbian, bisexual and transgender students whose self-possibilities are six of their heterosexual peers
Injury and/or attempted suicide
Given that the concept of inclusion is clearly still controversial, how
Sex attracts young people who should receive good sex education?
As a strange woman, of course I did not receive the relevant sex education at school, although I am better at preventing fruit than I should be (
Women sleeping with women don\'t really benefit from knowing how to wear condoms on male sex organs).
It seems that I have made little progress since I graduated for nearly 15 years.
According to a recent survey by the Alliance for equal rights, more than young women reported that their formal sex education did not discuss lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, heterosexual and eccentric identities and relationships.
As Zahra Stardust, a former candidate for the Australian Sex Party, pointed out, there is a huge lack of information in both school education and public health systems.
\"When I first started having sex with women, none of the nurses at my sexual health clinic were able to tell me about specific, safer sexual measures related to me,\" Stardust said . \" MS.
\"I would like to know the use of cleaning toys, using condoms and toys, gloves and dams, the impact of lubricants on latex, how best to avoid the accumulation of body fluids or bacteria in the wiring harness, and spread with new partners.
\"According to Karen Price, director of HIV and sexual health at ACON, women in the lesbian, bisexual and transgender community do not benefit from sexual health promotion, testing and health care as heterosexual people do.
\"There is evidence that women who have sex with women have the same percentage of sexually transmitted infections as heterosexual women, but this has not yet been widely recognized,\" Price said . \" MS.
LGBTQI women have lower test rates and are falling from cracks.
\"The Myth of low risk of sexually transmitted infections among lesbians leads to insufficient risk of lesbian infectionsInsufficient screening
Informed and inadequate
A Victorian government research paper on the health of LGBT people said.
In fact, Lauren Clare, director of sexual health and happiness boutique Nikki Darling, is often surprised by how many women are not aware of the risk of sexual activity.
\"Same number-
\"I talked to some young women who didn\'t realize they could still be infected with sexually transmitted infections, which is shocking,\" clairr said . \" MS. \"[
Working in an adult store]
People trust [me]
They calmly apologized because they did not yet know the answer to the question.
It takes you a day to break the stereotypes and myths that still exist around sex and desire.
\"Even among health professionals, there is the same awareness --
Sexual health issues are low in attracting women.
\"The doctor once told lesbians with great emphasis, \'Oh, no, you don\'t need [a pap smear]
Dr. Kath Albury, associate professor at UNSW, said he studied media, culture, sex and sexual health. \"[But]
Even if you have never had a \"penis in the vagina\", Human hpv (HPV)
It may still be a problem for you, so you still need Pap smear.
\"HPV is not the only risk factor for having sex with women;
They may also be at a higher risk of bacterial vaginal disease than heterosexual women.
Increased study conditions for the spread of other sexually transmitted infections.
Given the history of silence and misinformation about sex and sexuality, organizations, academics and women working in the sex industry must come up with creative, sometimes even surprising ways to spread about the same thing
Sex attracts the health of women.
Claude, ACON\'s Women\'s Project, asked my feminist song and dance show \"Lady Sings better\" to produce a video to promote women\'s sexual health.
We re-invented the old \"condom\" in a fun and obviously feminine way in the banana presentation, focusing on the importance of using latex gloves in safe behavior (
This can prevent genital area cutting during sex, thereby reducing the risk of infection with sexually transmitted infections).
Watch the video below.
Warning: graphic language and adult content.
Video leads women to visit the Claude website, which offers about safe oral and anal sex, BDSM practice, toy use, multiple
Sex partner and blood game.
This needs to be considered a lot, but it is important in an environment where there is a lack of information about sexual behavior that does not correspond to the norm.
While music videos seem to be an unconventional way of providing education, research has shown that traditional \"safe\" information and sex education can\'t reach women, including conversations about happiness can be more effective.
The problem is that the rest of society has not fully understood the idea (
Although the new \"relationship of mutual respect\" course in Victoria does include topics such as consent, communication and happiness).
And, with the federal government questioning the value of programs aimed at improving the lives of young people of different genders and sexual orientation, we may wait a while to make it mainstream.
At the same time, women seeking help (
Although work may not be safe)
Sex education resources are accessible: Maeve Marsden is a freelance writer, director, producer and performer known for creating a feminist song and dance show and Lady sings better.
She tweeted from @ maevegobash.
Theme: Lesbian, gay, bisexual, youth, school, education-
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