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The year in sex studies: From not-so-casual relations to the problems Canadians are having in the bedroom

by:KISSTOY     2021-01-02
Put the dirty conversation on hold, there is still a lot of discussion about sex.
We gave you a lot of advice.
Whether it\'s how to get your lover to notice you, find your fantasies, or add spice to your sex life --
But if you think you know it all in the bedroom, trust us, you don\'t know.
The researchers constantly study the ins and outs of our bodies and minds to reveal the dynamic roles they play between sheets.
So, in the spirit of keeping you up to date with all the latest and greatest intimate messages, here\'s your best sexual research in the past year --and your lover(s)—
I might want to know.
When you engage in older sex, it may seem like a game for young people to begin with, but older people are increasingly motivated to become old-age temptations.
The University College of London research provides data analysis of nearly 7,000 elderly people (
Average age 65)
, Found that those who have reported any sexual behavior in the past year enjoy more life fun than those who have not reported any sexual behavior.
Women report that if they often --
It means two or more times a month.
Engage in touching, kissing and emotional intimacy during sexual activity.
However, while sexual intercourse is related to the greater enjoyment of life for men, women do not, suggesting that penetration may be more important for men.
In general, these findings reveal another benefit of older sex (
Have found a way to keep you Smart)
There is also a reason to remove the stigma around it.
Having sex with your ex won\'t hold you back, you \'ve been warned not to have a relationship with your ex, but rules that aren\'t connected can be more mythical than facts.
A total of 485 participants were asked to record their attempts to re-establish physical contact with their former partner, as well as their recovery from the breakup.
While those who pursue physical contact with their ex do initially have a stronger emotional attachment to them (
Most of their attempts did lead to sexual interaction)
The general trend shows that this does not prevent them from overcoming their ability to break upa-
Other participants who do not pursue the opposite sex.
These results not only challenge common practice, but also show that breaking up is a more gradual process than we thought, with many lingering factors, such as sexual contact, each taking time to disengage (
Although it is always important to admit your motivation).
What is the most gender personality type?
Australian researchers analyzed data from 2,998 heterosexual men and 1,480 heterosexual women to find a correlation between the 5 personality traits (
Open, serious, easy going, outgoing and nervous)
Sexual frequency and reproduction.
For men and women, people with high extroversion record a higher frequency of sex on the grounds that these types of people are more social and are more likely to start this contact.
Men, who are also more serious, emotionally stable and less pleasant, have higher sexual frequency and have more offspring reported by men with higher extroversion or lower openness.
On the contrary, agreeability is the only female trait that leads to higher reproduction, suggesting that women may be more picky about the personality of potential partners. Mind the (orgasm)
The climax gap has never been a secret, but more research continues to reveal how deep it really is and misunderstand it.
A sex survey of 1,608 heterosexual couples found that the husband had been reaching a climax, compared with 49 female spouses.
In addition, 43 of the husbands surveyed thought their wives had reached more orgasms than they actually did.
Not surprisingly, this difference also leads to a difference in relationship satisfaction.
Wives with higher orgasm frequency reported higher relationship satisfaction and better communication, while husband\'s relationship satisfaction was associated with their perception of wife orgasm frequency and communication.
These findings not only highlight how complex the dynamics of the climax gap are, but also highlight how communication is indispensable in relationship satisfaction.
The online survey of 639 young people between the ages of 18 and 25 was not so random, and the survey tried to track the frequency of affectionate behavior --cuddling, eye-
Gaze and spend the night and foreplay
In the traditional one-husband, one-wife relationship and the uncommitted, casual sexual relationship.
Not surprisingly, those in traditional relationships reported that they needed affectionate behavior more, but many people were involved in it in the casual encounter group.
Those who clearly prefer casual contact rather than traditional relationships, the possibility of hugging and staying overnight has even doubled and a half, and the possibility of participating in foreplay has almost tripled. As non-
The one-husband-to-one relationship has become more mainstream, and insights like this have helped to re-frame how we can use them as alternatives to more traditional structures to discuss.
What\'s wrong with Canadians in the bedroom?
Now, for something closer to home.
Survey of 2,400 Canadians
Aged between 40 and 59, one of the most populous groups in Canada
The survey found that sexual problems between men and women were relatively common.
About Women report low sexual desire (
One of the more common problems in those latter ones ismenopause)
Other common problems include vaginal dryness and difficulty in reaching orgasm.
In men, about 1 out of 3 indicates lower sexual desire, while the person in question suffers from erection or ejaculation problems.
The correlation between low sexual desire and long-term state was observed
Relationships, and many other physical problems are related to poor sexual health, which emphasizes how your overall health affects your sexual health.
Such problems are common among middle school students. Senior citizens of Canada (
In particular, considering the benefits of sexual behavior in older persons mentioned earlier)
Emphasize the need to be open and honest with our partners, healthcare professionals and ourselves about our sexual needs and functions.
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