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This is the most popular time of the week for Brits to have sex

by:KISSTOY     2021-01-26
A new study shows that nine o\'clock A. M. on Sunday is the most popular time for British people to have sex.
While some may still be napping, many others are already busy.
Statistics that few people will be shocked show that most of us sleep more frequently on weekends than on weekdays, and the top ten most popular sexy times drop on Friday --Sunday.
It follows at 9 on Sunday, followed by 10 on Saturday.
30 in the morning and 11 on Saturday.
At 30 in the evening, this shows that the excitement and freedom of the weekend make the British happy.
The survey was conducted by Superdrug and was conducted with an assessment of 2,000 adults in the UK.
It\'s no surprise that the most unpopular time to have sex is mainly when you are awake on weekdays.
The last hour of the festival was named 4 on Monday.
At 45, there is still some time to wait until the next bank holiday (May 29)
This is unlikely to change soon.
Valentine\'s Day this year is Tuesday, and some romance may change the way you live on weekdays.
Once again, energetic couples may just be waiting for prime time for the weekend. Fri-nally. 1. Sunday, 9. 00am2. Saturday, 10. 30pm3. Saturday, 11. 30pm4. Friday, 10. 30pm5. Saturday, 10. 30am6. Saturday, 11. 30am7. Friday, 10. 30pm8. Saturday, 11. 15pm9. Saturday, 9. 30pm10. Sunday, 9. 30pm1. Monday, 4. 45pm2. Monday, 3. 00pm3. Tuesday, 5. 30pm4. Tuesday, 9. 00pm5. Thursday, 8. 00am6. Thursday, 1. 30pm7. Monday, 8. 00am8. Wednesday, 7. 30am9. Friday, 5. 00pm10. Saturday, 5.
00 pm follows Jessica on Twitter, and Jessica on Instagram.
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