Alberto FUGUETFEB. The fog is in B- The way movies. It was a Sunday afternoon, the darkness of winter, and it was already golden time. Although there are movies everywhere in the movie theater across the street, I know this place is here: in my hotel, watching TV as well. warm room- Service around me. Kenyi Fujimori, 15, wore dark boxer shorts, while the son of President Alberto Fujimori, who was still in office, was playing a video on \"Tiempo Nuevo (\"New Times\") A Sunday news show similar to \"60 Minutes. \"He walked out of the bathroom, stared at the camera of his brother, Hiro, and smiled. There must be a lot of places for him to smile. He is young and proud. he owns the world. It may not be the world, it is his world: Peru. Without losing his intimacy. up ( After all, this family knows one or two things about the media) He began to sing \"Las mannanita\", the classic Mexican birthday ranchera (cowboy ballad). His face was full of pimples covered with white acne drugs, filled with joy. -- It\'s not the most fun home video in Peru, but it makes me laugh. Laugh and be afraid. His brother and his friends made the film. But why is it in the air? Should I keep watching? The year \"1996\" is clearly visible in the lower left corner of the screen. But the scene has shifted to a meeting between President Fujimori and his dark and influential spy director, vladimiero Ilich Montesinos. In another four years, Fujimori will not only resign in color, mondesino will disappear in strange circumstances. In the video, they are talking about mano a mano, planning and planning. \"Is there a sound on this recording? The president was a little nervous and asked his son. A chaotic and fuzzy scene in a house. Stable ads for cameras. D 1/8cor is very huagafo--kitsch, gaudy. Where are we? Presidential Palace? A weak Asian old lady in her robes scolded her grandson. They urinated on the toilet lid all the time. Kenyi made fun of her with a smile and said that there was too much joy in Gatorade. The Asian woman can hardly speak Spanish. She is the Japanese mother of the president. Where are the mothers of these children? Susanna Higuchi has long fled the family and became a stern opposition woman MP. Kenyi, a teenager, chose to live with his father. Cut. Rewind. Kenyi, anger, violence, kick Pack a heavy punching bag hanging on the ceiling. He knows how to play. He\'s a real Karate Kid. He has an international award to prove this. Cut. Fast-forward. Kenyi is on the mountain with his bodyguard friend. Behind him was a military helicopter with hundreds of farmers in the background. Are they here to help, save, enforce the law? It\'s not clear. Kenyi holds a rifle. Kenyi wore a baseball cap on the Planet Hollywood, screaming, playing, singing and playing. He showed off his gun and made a military gesture. Kenyi\'s goal is to shoot his dog Tauro. Rambo Ken and the dog play together. Kenyi kissed the dog, kissed the wet tongue, and showed the dog all his adolescent love. Kenyi now hugs and teasing the dog, grabs it, and then becomes very frustrated and dirty with the dog that looks awkward. Then he mumbled: \"Dogs in this country take care of their soldiers more than women. \"Cut. Ken Yi urinated at the dog in front of the farmer. Cut back \"Tiempo Nuevo \". \"This project has just experienced a face of democracy -- The elevator is in sync with these new postsThe Times Fujimori \"It is important to know all the truth,\" said the face of the speech without expression. Just a few months ago, he- Like all other Talk leaders on all other radio stations in Peru --- On the other side, on the other side of Fujimori, send puff pieces to the government and put the venom The opposition was soaked. \"We will be back after we receive this information. Report a revolution in Lima. O. K. End of 10- Post-modern diet Lite dictatorship) I watched TV at last. It\'s not your usual CNN broadcast mob crossing the teargas- Dark streets and Riot police open clubs for bearded studentsPost- Lima fujisen is actually very quiet, filling the gap of power in the most civilized way. What I\'m scared, shocked and addicted to is what\'s on TV- New Democratic television Satsen and mondesino are gone, but their TV ghosts are still on the screen. Everyone is watching. From the temporary shantytowns where you see dirt In Peru, like elsewhere in Latin America, television is important. But even more so here. \"In Peru, television doesn\'t reflect the country, it\'s the country,\" author and satirical writer Rafa Leon told me while drinking decaf coffee at the sidewalk cafe. The audience of the broadcaster was hungry, and Leon called it \"the news media \". \"These are descendants and hybrids of the Incas, who fled from Silas to Lima and exchanged color Peruvian wool hats for fake Nike and used Adidas T-shirts. \"A New Peruvian was born, a Peruvian who grew up in the context of Sen and globalization,\" Leon said . \". \"The perfect example of NewPe is --arrived-to- A teenage farmer in Lima has a box of loudspeakers in his hand. To stimulate his most primitive impulse cumbia The child is Peruvian. \"So it\'s not surprising that the ending of the days of Fujimori should be played on TV, in a series of vulgar and shameful videos. While other countries in Latin America had to dig their remains from military helicopters, the transitional government of Peru ( Elections scheduled for April) To understand what happened and who did what, I had to deal with the harsh sound and the bad focus. There are more than 2,400 compromise videos circulating in Lima today. Among them, only a relatively small number of people are made public, but everyone is like O. J. The overheated media culture in Peru One example of this is the monthly grant of \"allowances\" to a house of admiring judges \". On the other hand, Ernesto Gamarra, the lawmaker of the independent moral front in charge of investigating mendesino, was caught with an aide to mendesino, and apparently he accepted a sum( Gamarra denied taking bribes. ) Every time a new video comes up, the regular program breaks down and the news channel repeats the tape endlessly The evening and Sunday news shows spend all their time analyzing the content. At the end of the food chain, this video inevitably becomes material for gossip and talk shows and later jokes. night TV. Only one home video so far-Kenyi\'s. The rest was shot by the famous sea cucumber vladi. A narco-linked, gun- Mendesino is a fan of the Cayman Islands, a virtual commander of the armed forces, and the owner of the properly named S. I. N. Service personnel of the National Intelligence Service. Support double Italian silk tie and Diamond breasted dress Mendesino is a post-modern Nixon who likes to record all the conversations. He\'s got cameras hidden in his paintings. To extort journalists, lawmakers, judges and various public officials, the men have traveled to his office for years to negotiate bribes. According to Peruvian media reports, at least 800 of these secret videos were obtained by Fujimori himself after leading an illegal raid on mondsios apartments and taking 65 suitcases and 71 boxes. Once he finds about 100 videos he wants ( Probably with him and mendesino), the soon-to-be-ex- The president handed over the rest of the video. packed boxes ( Each one is neatly labeled with its \"star\" name) He flew to Japan and resigned by fax. All the \"Videos \"--- $700 donated by Fujimori and over 1,600 others received full donations from mendesinoof-70\'s- Leather quarters of \"Little Pentagon\" El Pentagonito-- As part of an ongoing investigation into official corruption, it is currently under review by the Peruvian Ministry of Justice. The videos were kept in a heavily guarded bank vault, but on Peruvian television a dozen were heavily rotated. It\'s hard to recall now, but in the early 90 s, Western leaders praised the \"fujisen revolution,\" a mix of neo-liberal economic policies, globalization and democracy. But it all ignores the true revolutionary contribution of Fujimori. - The development and utilization of ubiquitous and influential mass media. Subsidies and countries Under the control of a series of left-wing governments in the 70 th and 80 th centuries, the country\'s seven radio channels and several cable channels were released by Fujimori in the early 90 th century. Within a few years, Farah Fawcett and David Janssen have given way home -- Growing stars and talking Today, 90% of the Peruvian program was produced locally. Noisy, sexy tabloids everywhere; You can choose 12 in Lima today. The media is no longer under the control of the Peruvian elite, starting to develop a new audience. - Journalists pouring into the capital But when the media say no more They were not independent and supported. There are numbers in NewPe, but there is not much disposable income. The immature advertising market also needs state subsidies to support it. \"Fujimori\'s goal is for most people to watch TV,\" TV critic Fernando Vivas said while sipping on the yellow Inca Cora. Call it digital incitement. Television channels have become populist, and governments are their biggest advertisers. \"As a result, their master. The co- The Optation started innocently, calling for support for the campaign against the terrorist organization Sendero Luminoso. But one thing led to another, and soon the stations followed the orders of mondesino to report the malicious \"leaks\" of the spy director about his opponent \", or the purpose is to make the government look good after terrorism is defeated. Please click on the box to verify that you are not a robot. The email address is invalid. Please re-enter. You must select the newsletter you want to subscribe. View all New York Times newsletters. As of last year, almost all TV channels have been watching the script of mendesino, and it is not difficult to understand why. A recent video surfaced showed that mondesino apparently distributed $2 million in Eduardo calmdel Solar, editor of Eduardo o. Fujisen newspaper; CCN, director of Vicente Silva card cutter, local cable station; And a senior military general. ( None of them were charged with the crime and no one admitted any wrongdoing. ) The money is clearly a reward for supporting the second fraudulent restructuring of Fujimori. Elections last year and attacks on the opposition Naturally, it is the embarrassing material provided by mendesinos themselves). Even the No. 11 Canal that was opposed every night. Friendly talk show, under the control of Montesinos. ( Of course, it is reported that there is a video showing The owner of Canal 11 met with Montesinos to accept payment. However, the video has not yet surfaced, and the executive who denied being paid has not been charged with a crime. ) There are still some really independent voices like El Comercio, the big newspaper. But, as Watson and mendesino know, its audience is too elite to count. \"It\'s not a culture,\" said Vivas. \"That\'s why television is so important here. Writing is not as important as images. This is all about the image. The populist image of mendesino\'s invention to appease and confuse the people. There is no doubt that what we see on the screen is the most disgusting form of mass entertainment seen or staged in Peruvian history. \"There was a video that started all this before all the videos poured into Lima. The film won the highest ratings and international releases, and beat Peru\'s worst Video Star, Watson and mondesino. In the almost- For an hour-long movie, mundesino is apparently bribing Peruvian congressman Alberto Curry ( He used to play an Arab in an Italian television advertisement in Ecuador and played a small part in a soap opera) Change positions from the opposition to the government. \"How much do you want? Ten? Fifteen? \"Curry, who fled Peru, was accused of violating Peru\'s opposition. He denied the law of corruption. In the same room, José Francesco görsilat was an officer --- The son of the owner of Canal 4, American TV, one of the highest rated TV channels in Peru, is also the first channel of the TV station2 man ( Who is hearing the evening news on audio editing over the phone with Montesinos). The video was revealed at a press conference by Fernando Oliveira, head of the independent moral front. But the real hero is Louis iberko, a TV reporter. Iberico did not say exactly how he got the tape. He said that after a series of meetings held in strange dark places, he obtained it in a deep throat way. The video is a copy passed through go-to Iberian-ico He said he vowed to protect the \"patriots \". Most analysts believe it is a disgruntled aide to mendesino, possibly a US-related soldier. I. N. Ibico is not just a TV person, he is also a TV host. Seven open- Canal 2 is the last air station to remain independent. Iberia Ko, along with Ivan Garcia and Fernando Viana, is part of a team of elite journalists at Canal 2 \"Contrapunto\", a Sunday news show, Luis Iberia In 1996, after years of supporting Fujimori in the fight against terrorism, the team of Iberico began to investigate and broadcast some of the latest achievements of mendesino: the \"disappearance\" of 15 \"presumed\" nine students and their professors at sendelo sympath and the discovery of S. I. N. The telephone hacking network of key opposition figures is complicated. In response, the government denied the owner of the station Israel- Born Baruch Ivcher, his nationality, then-- Because foreign media are prohibited by law. -his station. Ivcher was forced into exile in 1997, when his partners Samuel and Mendel Winter took over the Channel, quickly tuning the antenna to the frequency of mendesino. Although the Iberico team took off from the air and kicked out of the strait, it obtained the famous video and two other videos ( To show the military mondesino) And was soon called the blockbuster team. As the executives of Canal 2 were playing with the mendesino, Iberico handed the materials to Canal N, a full By a group of 20- Until then, few people looked at something. But when the world sees these videos, even the government The friendly radio station took part in the operation. A few days later, Fujimori announced that he would dismantle S. I. N. Resign a year later. He got away two months later. All this made Canal 2 a symbol. - Bottom of the bus in Peru. The country\'s interim president, Valentin panagua, has restored Ivcher\'s citizenship, so he is back now with the \"installation\" in the air and the Canal 2 has cleared its S. I. N. - The scented show is now the most talented in town. Ibero-Ko, who won a seat in Congress in last April, must decide whether to resume his journalism or continue his political work. The media circus continued, following attacks on the dictator and his followers. While in post- Lima fujisen, I was seen as a strange image, harsh language, colorful set, tons of cleavage, crude oil double uninterrupted parade Nderres and the common evil, not-so- Funny, shocking, Ican\'t-believe-I\'m-watching-this malice. After a few days of attacks, I thought that Lima was probably Los Angeles in South America. A lot of times I feel like I \'ve been there before, in more than a few cases, in my opinion, in fact, I\'m in LAA. But in a more difficult, less vulgar, former Hollywood company You can easily make a rough, dirty movie. Black epic of Lima sex, rumors, betrayal, extortion, bribery, scandal and corruption. Because it seems like everyone here has a dirty story ( Allegations of pedophile never hurt ratings) A video that is hard to explain. Almost anyone can be accused of almost anything because nothing seems too low, too shameful and untrue. Lima is not a corporate town, but like Hollywood, there are more entertainment programs than art. Mendesino\'s digital revolution has been exported in Latin America, Spain and the United States. Soap operas in Peru and disgustingbut- The charming talk show Laura America ( Host Laura Bozo shoots money and ratings with cheap footage, like the underarm that induced peasant women to lick sweat Bodybuilding) They are popular products and exported to all parts of the world. ( A soap opera star even has fans in Romania. ) Plus too many humoristas callejeros ( Street juggling) Queen of gossip and twelve dirties Cheap, colorful, bad, bloody Infected with the spread of the chicha tabloid You have a setup. Sprinkle on top with delicious food, too much food is easy to buy, almost- Free Cocaine, hop-on soundtrack technology Cumbia and cast full of charming, colorful, fun, double colorstiming, badly- You will get a new kind of magic realism. When you have McOndo from Fujimori, who needs Macondo from Garcia Marquez? My last night in Lima, when I was walking in the narrow pedestrian Jiron de La Union of Lima -- The only main street, just a few blocks from the presidential palace, which is still bugged, is a young bronze -- The colored woman began to follow me. She carried a superthin state-of-the-art Walkman. \"Hey! You want something to suck? \"\"Perdon? Excuse me? She explained to me: \"pues, Un aparato chuponear, pues, a sucking gadget. \"It\'s not drugs that are sold on the streets, it\'s not weird sex toys. This is a spy toy designed to allow you to eavesdrop on conversations that happen in another room. \"Why do I want something like this? \" I asked her. \"See if they\'re talking about you. What people may say, you never have now. Alberto Fuge, author of Tinta Roya, a novel about tabloid news, was recently filmed in Peru. We are constantly improving the quality of text archives. Please send feedback, error reports, and suggestions to archid_feedback @ nytimes. com. A version of the article, published in February 24, 2001, is titled: The revolution is on television.