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Top eight crazy new products for your vagina

by:KISSTOY     2021-01-07
If you do some vaginal retail therapy on the market, you\'re lucky. From high-
Tech toys can weed plugs, and there doesn\'t seem to be a shortage of products designed near your intimate area.
Check out the list of products specifically designed for your vagina below. 1.
If you are looking for a climax, you may consider investing in a vibrator.
But if you want to get to know your climax, you need to invest in something different, something \"smart \".
\"Fortunately, there is a group of entrepreneurs who have successfully merged the two together.
There are smart vibrators outside, as well as in the sex store near you.
The lioness is just one example.
While it looks like your standard sex toy, the lioness is loaded with advanced sensors to help measure your orgasm through vaginal contraction, temperature and movement.
All this information can be accessed through an app that encourages users to download on their smartphones.
In this way, women can better understand how long it takes to reach orgasm, what kind of stimulation they like best, and even provide advice on what you can try next. 2.
The \"smart\" period tracking system can be difficult to predict your period.
Most women have to go crazy to pharmacies at least once in their lives.
Fortunately, we are looking forward to a future where it will no longer be part of the routine.
Because cycle tracking has now become a technical work.
People behind LoonCup promote their products as \"the world\'s first smart menstrual cup \".
\"This device is best described as a sustainable female sanitary product that can be worn inside the vagina to collect menstrual fluid.
It depends on the built-in
In the sensor, collect important information about fluid volume, color, and other information about your cycle.
All information will be sent directly to the smartphone.
Learn more and leak less. 3.
Unless your partner has a preference for menstrual blood (trust me, some will), you may be inclined to postpone sex until your cycle is over.
But who wants a nasty little thing like you to get in the way of a good time?
At least that\'s what the people behind Flex think.
The device is designed to sit at the bottom of the cervix to collect menstrual fluid.
At the same time, the vaginal tube is open to enter.
This product is perfect for menstrual women with picky partners. 4.
Most of the time, tampon and menstruation come as a package. But not always.
Sometimes they are paired with marijuana.
Foria vaginal plugs are designed to help stimulate pelvic relaxation, promote deep penetration, and create a high sense of awakening for women who like weeds.
You don\'t need a vagina to keep the height below.
The company has also released a series of rectal suppository, so you can put it on no matter what kind of genitals you have. 5.
Most of us have heard of steam baths.
Most of us have never heard of a vaginal steam bath.
But they are outside.
Apparently, they have performed in Korea for hundreds of years.
The idea is to balance the female hormone levels and maintain \"internal health \".
\"But you may want to chat with your gynecologist before you sign up for this service.
Most people encourage women to avoid this practice on the grounds that they are worried about destroying the natural bacteria that each vagina has. Also, it burns. 6.
If you do not exercise the pelvic floor muscles, you should start to exercise.
Keeping a strong pot bottom can help you better control your orgasm, according to health experts.
Women who give birth are also encouraged to exercise in this area to prevent incontinence.
But it\'s hard to measure the progress of what we see.
Luckily, you have a Fitbit Elvie in your vagina.
The device is connected to the app via Bluetooth to provide instant feedback about your power.
Because remember, a strong vagina is a happy vagina. 7.
Cooling the pantiesnow is more awkward than sweat stains, and nothing is more frustrating than the sweat stains appearing around your crotch.
That\'s why Knix developed a built-in underwear. in, leak-
Defense, high absorption and defense
Microbial underwear, \"when you need it most.
\"Those who also sweat may be happy to know that the company has developed a bra that uses the same material. 8.
Do you miss your hymen? Are you eager to see a red flash before, during or after sex? If so, you\'re lucky.
Artificial hymen are cost-effective.
Copy your effective method that was lost a long time ago.
The product aims to \"fake virginity\" by making a fake film to mimic the real human hymen \".
While there are areas in the world where keeping your virginity can be a matter of life and death, most customers are not living in this dark environment.
In fact, many people are members of the kink community.
But this product is possible.
Deliver on the promise.
After testing with her boyfriend, a blogger said her crotch looked a bit like the interior of a lava lamp when they were done. Buyer beware.
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